




​ 游标充当指针的作用。

​ 尽管游标能遍历结果中的所有行,但他一次只指向一行。

​ 游标的作用就是用于对查询数据库所返回的记录进行遍历,以便进行相应的操作。


一、声明一个游标: declare 游标名称 CURSOR for table;(这里的table可以是你查询出来的任意集合)
​ 二、打开定义的游标:open 游标名称;
​ 三、获得下一行数据:FETCH 游标名称 into testrangeid,versionid;
​ 四、需要执行的语句(增删改查):这里视具体情况而定
​ 五、释放游标:CLOSE 游标名称;



- BEGIN  --定义变量 declare testrangeid BIGINT; declare versionid BIGINT; declare done int; --创建游标,并存储数据 declare cur_test CURSOR for  select id as testrangeid,version_id as versionid from tp_testrange; --游标中的内容执行完后将done设置为1  DECLARE CONTINUE HANDLER FOR NOT FOUND SET done=1; --打开游标 open cur_test; --执行循环  posLoop:LOOP --判断是否结束循环   IF done=1 THEN   LEAVE posLoop;  END IF; --取游标中的值  FETCH cur_test into testrangeid,versionid; --执行更新操作  update tp_data_execute set version_id=versionid where testrange_id = testrangeid;  END LOOP posLoop; --释放游标 CLOSE cur_test;  END -


--在windows系统中写存储过程时,如果需要使用declare声明变量,需要添加这个关键字,否则会报错。 delimiter // drop procedure if exists StatisticStore; CREATE PROCEDURE StatisticStore() BEGIN  --创建接收游标数据的变量  declare c int;  declare n varchar(20);  --创建总数变量  declare total int default 0;  --创建结束标志变量  declare done int default false;  --创建游标  declare cur cursor for select name,count from store where name = 'iphone';  --指定游标循环结束时的返回值  declare continue HANDLER for not found set done = true;  --设置初始值  set total = 0;  --打开游标  open cur;  --开始循环游标里的数据  read_loop:loop  --根据游标当前指向的一条数据  fetch cur into n,c;  --判断游标的循环是否结束  if done then   leave read_loop; --跳出游标循环  end if;  --获取一条数据时,将count值进行累加操作,这里可以做任意你想做的操作,  set total = total + c;  --结束游标循环  end loop;  --关闭游标  close cur;   --输出结果  select total; END; --调用存储过程 call StatisticStore();
read_loop:loop fetch cur into n,c; set total = total+c; end loop;
declare continue HANDLER for not found set done = true;
--判断游标的循环是否结束 if done then  leave read_loop; --跳出游标循环 end if;



drop procedure if exists StatisticStore1; CREATE PROCEDURE StatisticStore1() BEGIN  declare c int;  declare n varchar(20);  declare total int default 0;  declare done int default false;  declare cur cursor for select name,count from store where name = 'iphone';  declare continue HANDLER for not found set done = true;  set total = 0;  open cur;  fetch cur into n,c;  while(not done) do   set total = total + c;   fetch cur into n,c;  end while;    close cur;  select total; END;  call StatisticStore1();
drop procedure if exists StatisticStore2; CREATE PROCEDURE StatisticStore2() BEGIN  declare c int;  declare n varchar(20);  declare total int default 0;  declare done int default false;  declare cur cursor for select name,count from store where name = 'iphone';  declare continue HANDLER for not found set done = true;  set total = 0;  open cur;  repeat  fetch cur into n,c;  if not done then   set total = total + c;  end if;  until done end repeat;  close cur;  select total; END;  call StatisticStore2();

在mysql中,每个begin end 块都是一个独立的scope区域,由于MySql中同一个error的事件只能定义一次,如果多定义的话在编译时会提示Duplicate handler declared in the same block。

drop procedure if exists StatisticStore3; CREATE PROCEDURE StatisticStore3() BEGIN  declare _n varchar(20);  declare done int default false;  declare cur cursor for select name from store group by name;  declare continue HANDLER for not found set done = true;  open cur;  read_loop:loop  fetch cur into _n;  if done then   leave read_loop;  end if;  begin   declare c int;   declare n varchar(20);   declare total int default 0;   declare done int default false;   declare cur cursor for select name,count from store where name = 'iphone';   declare continue HANDLER for not found set done = true;   set total = 0;   open cur;   iphone_loop:loop   fetch cur into n,c;   if done then    leave iphone_loop;   end if;   set total = total + c;   end loop;   close cur;   select _n,n,total;  end;  begin    declare c int;    declare n varchar(20);    declare total int default 0;    declare done int default false;    declare cur cursor for select name,count from store where name = 'android';    declare continue HANDLER for not found set done = true;    set total = 0;    open cur;    android_loop:loop    fetch cur into n,c;    if done then     leave android_loop;    end if;    set total = total + c;    end loop;    close cur;   select _n,n,total;  end;  begin    end;  end loop;  close cur; END;  call StatisticStore3();


Mysql 支持动态SQL的功能

set @sqlStr='select * from table where condition1 = ?'; prepare s1 for @sqlStr; --如果有多个参数用逗号分隔 execute s1 using @condition1; --手工释放,或者是 connection 关闭时, server 自动回收 deallocate prepare s1;


  1. MySQL系列多表连接查询92及99语法示例详解教程
  2. Android(安卓)- Manifest 文件 详解
  3. Android的Handler机制详解3_Looper.looper()不会卡死主线程
  4. Android(安卓)中文API(86)——ResourceCursorAdapter
  5. Selector、shape详解(一)
  6. android2.2资源文件详解4--menu文件夹下的菜单定义
  7. Android发送短信方法实例详解
  8. Android(安卓)读取资源文件实例详解
  9. 详解Android中的屏幕方向


  1. The logbook of Android(安卓)bug in dai
  2. android复制数据库到SD卡(网上搜集,未经验
  3. Android中通过Intent 调用图片、视频、音
  4. [Android]PhoneGap源码分析——CallbackS
  5. Android(安卓)异步获取网络图片并处理图
  6. Android四大基本组件介绍与生命周期
  7. android 横屏重启的解决方案
  8. Android 强制设置横屏或竖屏 设置全屏
  9. android之ListView和SimpleAdapter的组合
  10. android各种提示Dialog 弹出框