

gearman的job server中的工作队列存储在内存中,一旦服务器有未处理的任务时重启或者宕机,那么这些任务就会丢失。


CREATE DATABASE gearman;CREATE TABLE `gearman_queue` (`unique_key` varchar(64) NOT NULL,`function_name` varchar(255) NOT NULL,`priority` int(11) NOT NULL,`data` longblob NOT NULL,`when_to_run` int(11),PRIMARY KEY (`unique_key`)) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8;
> create user 'gearman'@'%' IDENTIFIED BY '123456';> grant all on gearman.* TO 'gearman'@'%';> flush privileges;
> gearmand -q libdrizzle \--libdrizzle-host= \--libdrizzle-port=3306 \--libdrizzle-user=gearman \--libdrizzle-password=123456 \--libdrizzle-db=gearman \--libdrizzle-table=gearman_queue \--libdrizzle-mysql
> gearmand -q mysql \--mysql-host= \--mysql-port=3306 \--mysql-user=gearman \--mysql-password=123456 \--mysql-db=gearman \--mysql-table=gearman_queue
gearmand: unrecognised option '--libdrizzle-host='


> tar xf libdrizzle-5.1.4.tar.gz> cd libdrizzle-5.1.4
> ./configure> make && make install
> tar xf gearmand-1.1.12.tar.gz > cd gearmand-1.1.12
> ./configure --help
> yum install mysql-server mysql-devel
> ./configure> make && make install
* LIBS: * LDFLAGS Flags: * Assertions enabled: no* Debug enabled: no* Warnings as failure: no* Building with libsqlite3 no* Building with libdrizzle yes* Building with libmemcached not found* Building with libpq no* Building with tokyocabinet no* Building with libmysql yes* SSL enabled: no* cyassl found: no* openssl found: yes* make -j: 2* VCS checkout: no* sphinx-build: :


> gearmand --help

gearmand: error while loading shared libraries: libdrizzle.so.9: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory


> vi /etc/ld.so.conf
> ldconfig
builtin:libdrizzle:--libdrizzle-host arg (=localhost) Host of server.--libdrizzle-port arg (=3306) Port of server. (by default Drizzle)--libdrizzle-uds arg Unix domain socket for server.--libdrizzle-user arg (=root) User name for authentication.--libdrizzle-password arg Password for authentication.--libdrizzle-db arg (=gearman) Database to use.--libdrizzle-table arg (=queue) Table to use.--libdrizzle-mysql Use MySQL protocol.MySQL:--mysql-host arg (=localhost) MySQL host.--mysql-port arg (=3306) Port of server. (by default 3306)--mysql-user arg MySQL user.--mysql-password arg MySQL user password.--mysql-db arg MySQL database.--mysql-table arg (=gearman_queue) MySQL table name.
gearmand: Error while initializing the queue : libdrizzle
ERROR 2017-02-22 07:51:02.536574 [ main ] Failed to initialize libdrizzle: initialize(QUEUE_ERROR) -> libgearman-server/queue.cc:246


> gearman -f test -b 123456




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