



| cat_id | name | parent_cid |
| 12 | 美妆 | 0 |
| 4 | 服装 | 0 |
| 5 | 女装 | 4 |
| 6 | 男装 | 4 |
| 7 | 童装 | 4 |
| 19 | 美容美体 | 12 |
| 18 | 彩妆 | 12 |
| 13 | 护肤 | 12 |
| 15 | 护肤套装 | 13 |
| 40 | 防晒 | 13 |
| 39 | 卸妆 | 13 |
| 38 | 润唇膏 | 13 |
| 17 | 乳液面霜 | 13 |
| 16 | 面膜 | 13 |
| 14 | 化妆水 | 13 |

1. 我们需要查询出"服装"分类下的所有子分类

with recursive type_cte as (    select *  from t_category  where cat_id = 4    union all    select t.* from t_category t                        inner join type_cte type_cte2 on t.parent_cid = type_cte2.cat_id)select    cat_id, name, parent_cidfrom type_cte

2. 查询出所有“美妆”分类下的所有子分类,并且分类名称带上上级分类的名称

with recursive type_cte as (    select cat_id,name,parent_cid  from t_category  where cat_id = 12    union all    select t.cat_id,concat(type_cte2.name,'>',t.name),t.parent_cid     from t_category t        inner join type_cte type_cte2 on t.parent_cid = type_cte2.cat_id)select    cat_id, name, parent_cidfrom type_cte;

3. 查询分类的所有父级分类


with recursive type_cte as (    select cat_id,name,parent_cid  from t_category  where cat_id = 40    union all    select t.cat_id,concat(type_cte2.name,'>',t.name),t.parent_cid    from t_category t             inner join type_cte type_cte2 on t.cat_id = type_cte2.parent_cid)select    cat_id, name, parent_cidfrom type_cte;



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