-->Date :2009-09-21 15:08:41

declare @T table([Col1] int,[Col2] int,[Col3] int,[Col4] int,[Col5] int,[Col6] int,[Col7] int)
Insert @T
select 1,10,20,30,40,50,60 union all
select 2,60,30,45,20,52,85 union all
select 3,87,56,65,41,14,21
select [col1],
(select [col1],[col2] from @t
union all
select [col1],[col3] from @t
union all
select [col1],[col4] from @t
union all
select [col1],[col5] from @t
union all
select [col1],[col6] from @t
union all
select [col1],[col7] from @t
where [col2] between 20 and 60 --條件限制
group by [col1]
col1 maxcol
----------- -----------
1 60
2 60
3 56

(3 個資料列受到影響)

select [col1],
(select max([col2])from
select [col2]
union all select [col3]
union all select [col4]
union all select [col5]
union all select [col6]
union all select [col7]
where [col2] between 20 and 60) as maxcol --指定查詢範圍
from @t
(3 個資料列受到影響)
col1 maxcol
----------- -----------
1 60
2 60
3 56


  1. android进度条对话框
  2. ProgressBar进度条
  3. Android(安卓)Textview 超出最多字数省略号显示
  4. layout中设置图片自适应大小,并且设置最大宽高
  5. Android:控件ProgressBar进度条
  6. Android中声音的管理类AudioManager
  7. android > layout > SeekBar (拉动条)
  8. Android(安卓)系统音量最大值的定义位置以及默认值的修改方法
  9. Android心率热图实现


  1. Android学习资源网站
  2. android 系统关机,重启
  3. Gallery 画廊
  4. android bitmap 处理
  5. Android获取机器显示屏幕的分辨率
  6. android tools命名空间
  7. Android学习资料分享
  8. android 去除ScrollVIew拉到尽头时再拉的
  9. Android圆形进度显示控件的SectorProgres
  10. 关于android生命周期那点事