



This is a scripts for partitiontables of MySQL zabbix version is 2.2 3.0 3.2 3.4 4.0support Zabbix 3.0 4.0MySQL  version 5.6  5.7 8.0 

本项目是《Zabbix企业级分布式监控系统》第2版中第3章节中的代码,如需使用,请注明出处即可,遵循Apache 2.0开源协议

1. configration

Before run this scripts,maybe you should modify it

# MySQL connect informationZABBIX_USER="zabbix"ZABBIX_PWD="zabbix"ZABBIX_DB="zabbix"ZABBIX_PORT="3306"ZABBIX_HOST=""MYSQL_BIN="mysql"# How days you will keep history days,default is 30  历史数据存储保留时间HISTORY_DAYS=30# How months you will keep trend days,default is 12  趋势数据存储保留时间TREND_MONTHS=12

2. run it


shell# bash partitiontables_zabbix.sh table history      create partitions p20180716table history_log  create partitions p20180716table history_str  create partitions p20180716table history_text create partitions p20180716table history_uint create partitions p20180716table history      create partitions p20180717table history_log  create partitions p20180717table history_str  create partitions p20180717table history_text create partitions p20180717table history_uint create partitions p20180717......table trends       create partitions p201807table trends_uint  create partitions p201807table trends       create partitions p201808table trends_uint  create partitions p201808

3. check partitions


shell# mysql -uzabbix -pzabbix zabbixMariaDB [zabbix]> show create table history\G;*************************** 1. row ***************************Table: historyCreate Table: CREATE TABLE `history` (  `itemid` bigint(20) unsigned NOT NULL,  `clock` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',  `value` double(16,4) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0.0000',  `ns` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',  KEY `history_1` (`itemid`,`clock`)) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8/*!50100 PARTITION BY RANGE ( clock)(PARTITION p20180716 VALUES LESS THAN (1531756799) ENGINE = InnoDB,PARTITION p20180717 VALUES LESS THAN (1531843199) ENGINE = InnoDB,PARTITION p20180718 VALUES LESS THAN (1531929599) ENGINE = InnoDB,PARTITION p20180719 VALUES LESS THAN (1532015999) ENGINE = InnoDB,PARTITION p20180720 VALUES LESS THAN (1532102399) ENGINE = InnoDB,PARTITION p20180721 VALUES LESS THAN (1532188799) ENGINE = InnoDB,PARTITION p20180722 VALUES LESS THAN (1532275199) ENGINE = InnoDB,PARTITION p20180723 VALUES LESS THAN (1532361599) ENGINE = InnoDB) */1 row in set (0.00 sec)ERROR: No query specifiedMariaDB [zabbix]>

if you see this,everything is OK.

4. set crontab

the crontab remove old partitions every day

shell# crontab -e1 0 * * * /usr/sbin/partitiontables_zabbix.shShell# chmod 700 /usr/sbin/partitiontables_zabbix.sh

#truncate table(only with delete data)
if you database is so big,you should clean data first,then run this scripts


mysql> use zabbix; mysql> truncate table history; mysql> optimize table history; mysql> truncate table history_str; mysql> optimize table history_str; mysql> truncate table history_uint; mysql> optimize table history_uint; mysql> truncate table trends; mysql> optimize table trends; mysql> truncate table trends_uint; mysql> optimize table trends_uint; 


#!/bin/bash# author: itnihao# mail: itnihao#qq.com# Apache License Version 2.0# date: 2018-06-06# funtion: create parition for zabbix MySQL # repo: https://github.com/zabbix-book/partitiontables_zabbix#配置环境变量ZABBIX_USER="zabbix"ZABBIX_PWD="Root@123456"ZABBIX_DB="zabbix"ZABBIX_PORT="3306"ZABBIX_HOST=""MYSQL_BIN="mysql"#历史数据保留时间,单位天HISTORY_DAYS=30#趋势数据保留时间,单位月TREND_MONTHS=12HISTORY_TABLE="history history_log history_str history_text history_uint"TREND_TABLE="trends trends_uint"#MYSQL连接命令MYSQL_CMD=$(echo ${MYSQL_BIN} -u${ZABBIX_USER} -p${ZABBIX_PWD} -P${ZABBIX_PORT} -h${ZABBIX_HOST} ${ZABBIX_DB})function create_partitions_history() {    #给历史表创建分区    for PARTITIONS_CREATE_EVERY_DAY in $(date +"%Y%m%d") $(date +"%Y%m%d" --date='1 days') $(date +"%Y%m%d" --date='2 days') $(date +"%Y%m%d" --date='3 days')  $(date +"%Y%m%d" --date='4 days') $(date +"%Y%m%d" --date='5 days') $(date +"%Y%m%d" --date='6 days') $(date +"%Y%m%d" --date='7 days')    do        TIME_PARTITIONS=$(date -d "$(echo ${PARTITIONS_CREATE_EVERY_DAY} 23:59:59)" +%s)        for TABLE_NAME in ${HISTORY_TABLE}        do            SQL1=$(echo "show create table ${TABLE_NAME};")            RET1=$(${MYSQL_CMD} -e "${SQL1}"|grep "PARTITION BY RANGE"|wc -l)            #表结构中的表分区不存在,则创建            if [ "${RET1}" == "0" ];then                SQL2=$(echo "ALTER TABLE $TABLE_NAME PARTITION BY RANGE( clock ) (PARTITION p${PARTITIONS_CREATE_EVERY_DAY}  VALUES LESS THAN (${TIME_PARTITIONS}));")                RET2=$(${MYSQL_CMD} -e "${SQL2}")                if [ "${RET2}" != "" ];then                    echo  ${RET2}                    echo "${SQL2}"                else                    printf "table %-12s create partitions p${PARTITIONS_CREATE_EVERY_DAY}\n" ${TABLE_NAME}                fi                continue            fi            #表结构中的表分区已经存在,则创建分区            if [ "${RET1}" != "0" ];then                SQL3=$(echo "show create table ${TABLE_NAME};")                RET3=$(${MYSQL_CMD} -e "${SQL3}"|grep "p${PARTITIONS_CREATE_EVERY_DAY}"|wc -l)                if [ "${RET3}" == "0" ];then                    TIME_PARTITIONS=$(date -d "$(echo ${PARTITIONS_CREATE_EVERY_DAY} 23:59:59)" +%s)                     SQL4=$(echo "ALTER TABLE $TABLE_NAME  ADD PARTITION (PARTITION p${PARTITIONS_CREATE_EVERY_DAY} VALUES LESS THAN (${TIME_PARTITIONS}));")                    RET4=$(${MYSQL_CMD} -e "${SQL4}")                    if [ "${RET4}" != "" ];then                        echo  ${RET4}                        echo "${SQL4}"                    else                        printf "table %-12s create partitions p${PARTITIONS_CREATE_EVERY_DAY}\n" ${TABLE_NAME}                    fi                fi            fi        done    done}function drop_partitions_history() {    #删除历史表分区    for PARTITIONS_DELETE_DAYS_AGO in $(date +"%Y%m%d" --date="${HISTORY_DAYS} days ago")    do        for TABLE_NAME in ${HISTORY_TABLE}        do            SQL=$(echo -e  "show create table ${TABLE_NAME};")            RET=$(${MYSQL_CMD} -e "${SQL}"|grep "p${PARTITIONS_DELETE_DAYS_AGO}"|wc -l)            if [ "${RET}" == "1" ];then                SQL=$(echo "ALTER TABLE ${TABLE_NAME} DROP PARTITION p${PARTITIONS_DELETE_DAYS_AGO};")                RET=$(${MYSQL_CMD} -e "${SQL}")                if [ "${RET}" != "" ];then                    echo  ${RET}                    echo "${SQL}"                else                    printf "table %-12s drop partitions p${PARTITIONS_DELETE_DAYS_AGO}\n" ${TABLE_NAME}                fi            fi        done    done}function create_partitions_trend() {    #创建趋势表分区    for PARTITIONS_CREATE_EVERY_MONTHS in $(date +"%Y%m") $(date +"%Y%m" --date='1 months') $(date +"%Y%m" --date='2 months') $(date +"%Y%m" --date='3 months') $(date +"%Y%m" --date='4 months') $(date +"%Y%m" --date='5 months')    do        TIME_PARTITIONS=$(date -d "$(echo ${PARTITIONS_CREATE_EVERY_MONTHS}01 00:00:00)" +%s)        for TABLE_NAME in ${TREND_TABLE}        do            SQL1=$(echo "show create table ${TABLE_NAME};")            RET1=$(${MYSQL_CMD} -e "${SQL1}"|grep "PARTITION BY RANGE"|wc -l)            #表结构中的表分区不存在,则创建            if [ "${RET1}" == "0" ];then                SQL2=$(echo "ALTER TABLE $TABLE_NAME PARTITION BY RANGE( clock ) (PARTITION p${PARTITIONS_CREATE_EVERY_MONTHS}  VALUES LESS THAN (${TIME_PARTITIONS}));")                RET2=$(${MYSQL_CMD} -e "${SQL2}")                if [ "${RET2}" != "" ];then                    echo  ${RET2}                    echo "${SQL2}"                else                    printf "table %-12s create partitions p${PARTITIONS_CREATE_EVERY_MONTHS}\n" ${TABLE_NAME}                fi                continue            fi            #表结构中的表分区已经存在,则创建分区            if [ "${RET1}" != "0" ];then                SQL3=$(echo "show create table ${TABLE_NAME};")                RET3=$(${MYSQL_CMD} -e "${SQL3}"|grep "p${PARTITIONS_CREATE_EVERY_MONTHS}"|wc -l)                if [ "${RET3}" == "0" ];then                    SQL4=$(echo "ALTER TABLE ${TABLE_NAME}  ADD PARTITION (PARTITION p${PARTITIONS_CREATE_EVERY_MONTHS} VALUES LESS THAN (${TIME_PARTITIONS}));")                    RET4=$(${MYSQL_CMD} -e "${SQL4}")                    if [ "${RET4}" != "" ];then                        echo  ${RET4}                        echo "${SQL4}"                    else                        printf "table %-12s create partitions p${PARTITIONS_CREATE_EVERY_MONTHS}\n" ${TABLE_NAME}                    fi                fi            fi        done    done}function drop_partitions_trend() {    #删除趋势表分区    for PARTITIONS_DELETE_MONTHS_AGO in $(date +"%Y%m" --date="${TREND_MONTHS} months ago")    do        for TABLE_NAME in ${TREND_TABLE}        do            SQL=$(echo "show create table ${TABLE_NAME};")            RET=$(${MYSQL_CMD} -e "${SQL}"|grep "p${PARTITIONS_DELETE_MONTHS_AGO}"|wc -l)            if [ "${RET}" == "1" ];then                SQL=$(echo "ALTER TABLE ${TABLE_NAME} DROP PARTITION p${PARTITIONS_DELETE_MONTHS_AGO};")                RET=$(${MYSQL_CMD} -e "${SQL}")                if [ "${RET}" != "" ];then                    echo  ${RET}                    echo "${SQL}"                else                    printf "table %-12s drop partitions p${PARTITIONS_DELETE_MONTHS_AGO}\n" ${TABLE_NAME}                fi            fi        done    done}function main() {    create_partitions_history    create_partitions_trend    drop_partitions_history    drop_partitions_trend}main


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