参考github上的dockerfile https://github.com/Kong/docker-kong/tree/master/centos ,在dockefile里面添加自定义的内容进行进行编译。本例中在官方的例子上安装了telnet、iproutes等软件包,同时为了实现网关的后续的应用程序认证鉴权,增加了graphql的lua扩展模块


FROM centos:7LABEL maintainer="Kong <support@konghq.com>"ARG ASSET=ceENV ASSET $ASSETARG EE_PORTSCOPY kong.rpm /tmp/kong.rpmARG KONG_VERSION=2.3.2ENV KONG_VERSION $KONG_VERSIONARG KONG_SHA256="aad05b5b7425a0c1dc3095363c785a4147d3cd91064f0221a2a818c7bdcc97dc"RUN set -ex; \  if [ "$ASSET" = "ce" ] ; then \    curl -fL "https://bintray.com/kong/kong-rpm/download_file?file_path=centos/7/kong-$KONG_VERSION.el7.amd64.rpm" -o /tmp/kong.rpm \    && echo "$KONG_SHA256 /tmp/kong.rpm" | sha256sum -c -; \  fi; \  yum install -y -q unzip shadow-utils git net-tools iproute langpacks-zh_CN telnet lrzsz \  && yum clean all -q \  && rm -fr /var/cache/yum/* /tmp/yum_save*.yumtx /root/.pki \  # Please update the centos install docs if the below line is changed so that  # end users can properly install Kong along with its required dependencies  # and that our CI does not diverge from our docs.  && yum install -y /tmp/kong.rpm \  && yum clean all \  && rm /tmp/kong.rpm \  && chown kong:0 /usr/local/bin/kong \  && chown -R kong:0 /usr/local/kong \  && luarocks install graphql && \    if [ "$ASSET" = "ce" ] ; then \    kong version ; \  fi;COPY docker-entrypoint.sh /docker-entrypoint.shUSER kongENTRYPOINT ["/docker-entrypoint.sh"]EXPOSE 8000 8443 8001 8444 $EE_PORTSSTOPSIGNAL SIGQUITCMD ["kong", "docker-start"]


docker build -t harbor.59iedu.com/fjhb/kong:2.3.2 .docker push harbor.59iedu.com/fjhb/kong:2.3.2


  • 修改k8s的deployment文件,替换镜像版本后进行apply
  • 涉及到版本升级,需要进入init-container wait-for-migrations,分别执行下列命令,否则proxy和ingress-controller无法成功启动
    kong migrations upkong migrations finish





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