这几天,大家朋友圈或多或少的看到有人在高价收购 Github 账号。更准确的说是在薅 Github 上一个项目的羊毛。


简单来说就是 GitHub 有一个区块链项目 Handshake 正在面向GitHub 上前 25万名开发者派送 4,246.99 HNS币。大约价值 1358.56美元,换算成人民币则是差不多近 1 万元人民币。



The top ~250,000 users on github have had their SSH keys and PGP added to a merkle tree. Out of those ~250,000 users, ~175,000 of them had valid SSH and PGP keys at the time of tree creation. If you had 15 or more followers on github during the week of 2019-02-04, your github SSH & PGP keys are included in the merkle tree. Likewise, roughly 30,000 keys from the PGP WOT Strongset have also been included in the tree. As a final addition, Hacker News accounts which are linked with Keybase accounts are included in the tree provided they were ~1.5 years old during the crawl. This merkle tree is computed and its root is added to consensus rules of the Handshake blockchain, allowing the owner of a key to publish a signed merkle proof on-chain in order to redeem their airdrop. With the final mainnet key list, every open source developer will receive 4,246.994314 HNS coins from the airdrop.

大致的意思就是说,只要你的 GitHub 有大于 15 个 followers。

然后你的 GitHub 绑定 SSH 公钥,并且本地能够通过 SSH 的方式访问。并且你的 Github 账号在 2019-02-04 的时候超过 15 个粉丝。且你的 Github 在2019-02-04 之前上传过 SSH & PGP keys,就有可能获得这 1000 刀。

于是的于是,就出现了很多黄牛大量的收购 Github 账号。利用这个信息不对称性,不少人在高价收。当然前提是得满足上面的条件。

最后说一下,本文所讲的都是真实的。下面附上 Handshake 的官网地址和 Github 地址。

Handshake 的官网地址:https://handshake.org/

Github 地址:https://github.com/handshake-org/hs-airdrop

根据目前媒体的报道得知,这个项目是拿到了 A16Z 和红杉资本在内的硅谷顶级投资者筹集了资金。预计只有 Github 的前 25 万名用户可以拿到这个福利。

但是你也不要灰心,从现有市场上购买也是一个不错的选择。如果你相信它的未来,还可以等它在市场上露面后进行交易!如果你也有 Github 账号,那就赶紧看看你是否满足了这个条件!



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