

从 Main 方法说起


我们直接点击run方法的源码,跟踪下来,发下最终 的run方法是调用ConfigurableApplicationContext方法,源码如下:


其实这个方法我们可以简单的总结下步骤为 > 1. 配置属性 > 2. 获取监听器,发布应用开始启动事件 > 3. 初始化输入参数 > 4. 配置环境,输出banner > 5. 创建上下文 > 6. 预处理上下文 > 7. 刷新上下文 > 8. 再刷新上下文 > 9. 发布应用已经启动事件 > 10. 发布应用启动完成事件

其实上面这段代码,如果只要分析tomcat内容的话,只需要关注两个内容即可,上下文是如何创建的,上下文是如何刷新的,分别对应的方法就是createApplicationContext() 和refreshContext(context),接下来我们来看看这两个方法做了什么。

protectedConfigurableApplicationContextcreateApplicationContext(){Class contextClass = this.applicationContextClass; if (contextClass == null) { try { switch (this.webApplicationType) { case SERVLET:contextClass = Class.forName(DEFAULT_SERVLET_WEB_CONTEXT_CLASS); break; case REACTIVE:contextClass = Class.forName(DEFAULT_REACTIVE_WEB_CONTEXT_CLASS); break; default:contextClass = Class.forName(DEFAULT_CONTEXT_CLASS);}} catch (ClassNotFoundException ex) { throw new IllegalStateException( "Unable create a default ApplicationContext, " + "please specify an ApplicationContextClass",ex);}} return (ConfigurableApplicationContext) BeanUtils.instantiateClass(contextClass);}

这里就是根据我们的webApplicationType 来判断创建哪种类型的Servlet,代码中分别对应着Web类型(SERVLET),响应式Web类型(REACTIVE),非Web类型(default),我们建立的是Web类型,所以肯定实例化 DEFAULT_SERVLET_WEB_CONTEXT_CLASS指定的类,也就是AnnotationConfigServletWebServerApplicationContext类,我们来用图来说明下这个类的关系



// 类:AbstractApplicationContextpublicvoidrefresh()throwsBeansException, IllegalStateException{synchronized (this.startupShutdownMonitor) {// Prepare this context for refreshing.prepareRefresh();// Tell the subclass to refresh the internal bean factory.ConfigurableListableBeanFactory beanFactory = obtainFreshBeanFactory();// Prepare the bean factory for use in this context.prepareBeanFactory(beanFactory);try {// Allows post-processing of the bean factory in context subclasses.postProcessBeanFactory(beanFactory);// Invoke factory processors registered as beans in the context.invokeBeanFactoryPostProcessors(beanFactory);// Register bean processors that intercept bean creation.registerBeanPostProcessors(beanFactory);// Initialize message source for this context.initMessageSource();// Initialize event multicaster for this context.initApplicationEventMulticaster();// Initialize other special beans in specific context subclasses.这里的意思就是调用各个子类的onRefresh()onRefresh();// Check for listener beans and register them.registerListeners();// Instantiate all remaining (non-lazy-init) singletons.finishBeanFactoryInitialization(beanFactory);// Last step: publish corresponding event.finishRefresh();}catch (BeansException ex) {if (logger.isWarnEnabled()) {logger.warn("Exception encountered during context initialization - " +"cancelling refresh attempt: " + ex);}// Destroy already created singletons to avoid dangling resources.destroyBeans();// Reset 'active' flag.cancelRefresh(ex);// Propagate exception to caller.throw ex;}finally {// Reset common introspection caches in Spring's core, since we// might not ever need metadata for singleton beans anymore...resetCommonCaches();}}}








/**If used, an Engine is always the top level Container in a Catalina* hierarchy. Therefore, the implementation's setParent() method* should throw IllegalArgumentException.** @author Craig R. McClanahan*/public interface Engine extends Container {//省略代码}/**** The parent Container attached to a Host is generally an Engine, but may* be some other implementation, or may be omitted if it is not necessary.** The child containers attached to a Host are generally implementations* of Context (representing an individual servlet context).** @author Craig R. McClanahan*/public interface Host extends Container {//省略代码}/**** The parent Container attached to a Context is generally a Host, but may* be some other implementation, or may be omitted if it is not necessary.** The child containers attached to a Context are generally implementations* of Wrapper (representing individual servlet definitions).*** @author Craig R. McClanahan*/public interface Context extends Container, ContextBind {//省略代码}/*** The parent Container attached to a Wrapper will generally be an* implementation of Context, representing the servlet context (and* therefore the web application) within which this servlet executes.** Child Containers are not allowed on Wrapper implementations, so the* addChild() method should throw an* IllegalArgumentException.** @author Craig R. McClanahan*/public interface Wrapper extends Container {//省略代码}

上面的注释翻译过来就是,Engine是最高级别的容器,其子容器是Host,Host的子容器是Context,Wrapper是Context的子容器,所以这4个容器的关系就是父子关系,也就是Engine>Host>Context>Wrapper。 我们再看看Tomcat类的源码:



根据上面分析,我们可以小结下: Tomcat主要包含了2个核心组件,连接器(Connector)和容器(Container),用图表示如下:




SpringBoot的启动是通过new SpringApplication()实例来启动的,启动过程主要做如下几件事情: > 1. 配置属性 > 2. 获取监听器,发布应用开始启动事件 > 3. 初始化输入参数 > 4. 配置环境,输出banner > 5. 创建上下文 > 6. 预处理上下文 > 7. 刷新上下文 > 8. 再刷新上下文 > 9. 发布应用已经启动事件 > 10. 发布应用启动完成事件


本期文章通过SpringBoot的启动来窥探了Tomcat的内部结构,喜欢小编今日的分享,记得关注我点赞哟,感谢支持!重要的事情说三遍,转发+转发+转发,一定要记得转发 关注哦!!!






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