I am trying to compile the source code of MEGAM Ocaml library on an Ubuntu 64 machine.

我试图在Ubuntu 64机器上编译MEGAM Ocaml库的源代码。

I have OCaml installed (v 3.12.1), using sudo apt-get install ocaml.

我安装了OCaml(v 3.12.1),使用sudo apt-get install ocaml。

I am having an issue when running the "make" command in the terminal on the unzipped source code, with OCaml returning the error:


/user/bin/ld: cannot find -lstr
collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status

The makefile is producing the following two commands:


 ocamldep *.ml > .depend

No error when run


ocamlc -g -custom -o megam str.cma -cclib -lstr bigarray.cma -cclib -lbigarray unix.cma -cclib -lunix -I /usr/lib/ocaml/caml fastdot_c.c fastdot.cmo intHashtbl.cmo arry.cmo util.cmo data.cmo bitvec.cmo cg.cmo wsemlm.cmo bfgs.cmo pa.cmo perceptron.cmo radapt.cmo kernelmap.cmo abffs.cmo main.cmo

ocamlc -g -custom -o megam str.cma -cclib -lstr bigarray.cma -cclib -lbigarray unix.cma -cclib -lunix -I / usr / lib / ocaml / caml fastdot_c.c fastdot.cmo intHashtbl.cmo arry。 cmo util.cmo data.cmo bitvec.cmo cg.cmo wsemlm.cmo bfgs.cmo pa.cmo perceptron.cmo radapt.cmo kernelmap.cmo abffs.cmo main.cmo

Throws the error above when run.


I've tried removing the -lstr from the compile command, it stopped throwing that particular error but started throwing another error (Reference to undefined global 'Bigarray'), which is making me thing it might all be something I missed during the OCaml installation, some kind of PATH or reference I needed to set.


Any help is really appreciated, even if its just a shot in the dark, as am really struggling to come up with anything!


3 个解决方案



The instructions given here allow me to compile with no error. It boils down to:


locate libcamlstr

which tells me that libcamlstr can be found in /usr/lib/ocaml (YMMV), so I do:

这告诉我libcamlstr可以在/ usr / lib / ocaml(YMMV)中找到,所以我这样做:

cd /usr/lib/ocaml
sudo ln -s libcamlstr.a libstr.a

Then I'm able to compile the project:


cd /usr/local/src/cil
make clean && ./configure && make


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