I'm trying to compile MAGMA libraries on Ubuntu 10.04, and I'm stuck.

我想在Ubuntu 10.04上编译岩浆库,我被困住了。

From the README file:


To INSTALL MAGMA, modify the make.inc file to indicate where CUDA, CPU BLAS, and LAPACK are installed on your system. Examples
are given in make.inc.mkl, make.inc.acml, make.inc.goto, and
make.inc.atlas, showing how to link correspondingly to MKL, ACML,
GOTO BLAS or ATLAS BLAS. After proper modification of the make.inc
file, typing 'make', will create 1) the libmagma.a and libmagmablas.a libraries in directory 'lib' 2) testing drivers in directory 'testing'.

要安装岩浆,请修改制作。在您的系统上显示CUDA, CPU BLAS和LAPACK的位置。这是make.c公司的例子。mkl make.inc。acml make.inc。goto和make.inc。阿特拉斯,展示如何相应的连接到MKL, ACML, GOTO BLAS或atlas BLAS。经过适当修改后的制作。文件,输入'make',将创建1)lib岩浆。一个和libmagmablas。目录'lib' 2中的一个库,在目录'测试'中测试驱动程序。

So, I install the required packages:


apt-get install libatlas-base-dev liblapack-dev libf2c2-dev gfortran

Copy make.inc.atlas to make.inc modifying the CUDA path, the nvcc path and the liblapack.a path, and I remove two unnecessary linking directories.


For full reference, here is the original make.inc.atlas:


#   -- MAGMA (version 1.3.0) --
#      Univ. of Tennessee, Knoxville
#      Univ. of California, Berkeley
#      Univ. of Colorado, Denver
#      November 2012

# GPU_TARGET specifies for which GPU you want to compile MAGMA:
#     "Tesla" (NVIDIA compute capability 1.x cards)
#     "Fermi" (NVIDIA compute capability 2.x cards)
# See http://developer.nvidia.com/cuda-gpus


CC        = gcc
NVCC      = nvcc
FORT      = gfortran

ARCH      = ar
RANLIB    = ranlib

OPTS      = -O3 -DADD_
F77OPTS   = -O3 -DADD_
FOPTS     = -O3 -DADD_ -x f95-cpp-input
NVOPTS    = -O3 -DADD_ --compiler-options -fno-strict-aliasing -DUNIX
LDOPTS    = -fPIC -Xlinker -zmuldefs

LIB       = /home/tomov/LIB/lapack-lite-3.1.1/lapack_LINUX64.a \
            -lf77blas -latlas -lcblas -lf2c -lcublas -lm

CUDADIR   = /usr/local/cuda-3.0

LIBDIR    = -L/home/tomov/LIB/ATLAS/lib/Linux_UNKNOWNSSE2 \
            -L/home/tomov/LIB/CLAPACK-3.1.1/F2CLIBS/ \
INC       = -I$(CUDADIR)/include

And here, my modified file saved into make.inc:


#   -- MAGMA (version 1.3.0) --
#      Univ. of Tennessee, Knoxville
#      Univ. of California, Berkeley
#      Univ. of Colorado, Denver
#      November 2012

# GPU_TARGET specifies for which GPU you want to compile MAGMA:
#     "Tesla" (NVIDIA compute capability 1.x cards)
#     "Fermi" (NVIDIA compute capability 2.x cards)
# See http://developer.nvidia.com/cuda-gpus


CC        = gcc
NVCC      = /usr/local/cuda-5.0/bin/nvcc
FORT      = gfortran

ARCH      = ar
RANLIB    = ranlib

OPTS      = -O3 -DADD_
F77OPTS   = -O3 -DADD_
FOPTS     = -O3 -DADD_ -x f95-cpp-input
NVOPTS    = -O3 -DADD_ --compiler-options -fno-strict-aliasing -DUNIX
LDOPTS    = -fPIC -Xlinker -zmuldefs

LIB       = /usr/lib/liblapack.a \
            -lf77blas -latlas -lcblas -lf2c -lcublas -lm

CUDADIR   = /usr/local/cuda-5.0

LIBDIR    = -L$(CUDADIR)/lib64
INC       = -I$(CUDADIR)/include

So, I run make and I get this error. I apply the solution proposed there, and compiling continues so far, up to this point:


make[1]: Entering directory `/usr/src/magma-1.3.0/testing'
gcc -O3 -DADD_ -DHAVE_CUBLAS -DGPUSHMEM=200 -I/usr/local/cuda-5.0/include -I../include -I../control -c /usr/local/cuda-5.0/src/fortran.c -o fortran.o
In file included from /usr/local/cuda-5.0/src/fortran.c:67:
/usr/local/cuda-5.0/src/fortran_common.h:405:2: error: #error unsupported Fortran compiler
make[1]: *** [fortran.o] Error 1
make[1]: Leaving directory `/usr/src/magma-1.3.0/testing'
make: *** [test] Error 2

What can I do?


2 个解决方案



Easy solution: set FORT as follows:


FORT      = gfortran -DCUBLAS_GFORTRAN


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