Trying to use bullseye for code coverage, below is the requirement -

尝试使用靶心进行代码覆盖,以下是要求 -

Requirement - Project is in linux - 1. compile project in the host system - It generates multiple shared libraries Say and

要求 - 项目在linux中 - 1.在主机系统中编译项目 - 它生成多个共享库说 def.so和

  1. compile test application to validate these generated libraries (test suite is a separate image )
  2. 编译测试应用程序来验证这些生成的库(测试套件是一个单独的图像)

  3. Copy all shared libraries and test application on a different target device.
  4. 在不同的目标设备上复制所有共享库和测试应用程序。

  5. Now execute test application on target device to validate functionality of different shared libraries
  6. 现在在目标设备上执行测试应用程序以验证不同共享库的功能

Now requirement is to check how much coverage this "test application" is providing.


What has been tried out so far -

到目前为止已尝试过的 -

  1. Installed Bullseye on linux host machine (for compiling project) 1.a. Set my environment PATH = /BullseyecoveragePath/bin @ start of the path
  2. 在linux主机上安装Bullseye(用于编译项目)1.a。设置我的环境PATH = / BullseyecoveragePath / bin @开始路径

  3. Project compilation make file is modified to use compiler which comes with Bullseye package, also using covc
  4. 项目编译make文件被修改为使用Bullseye包附带的编译器,也使用covc

CC = /BullseyecoveragePath/bin/covc /BullseyecoveragePath/bin/gcc-4.6 CXX = /BullseyecoveragePath/bin/covc /BullseyecoveragePath/bin/g++-4.6

CC = / BullseyecoveragePath / bin / covc /BullseyecoveragePath/bin/gcc-4.6 CXX = / BullseyecoveragePath / bin / covc /BullseyecoveragePath/bin/g++-4.6

  1. export COVFILE=/data/test.cov
  2. export COVDIR=/Project/src/base
  3. cov01 --on

  4. Project compiled successfully (showing bullseye banner while compilation) *after minor libcov32.a library tweaking


  5. test.cov also gets generated after compilation is complete


Problem -

  1. Tried copying compiled libraries and and "test application" on the device 1.a. Copied test.cov --> /data of the target machine 1.b. export COVFILE=/data/test.cov
  2. 试图在设备1.a上复制编译库 def.so和xyz.so以及“test application”。复制test.cov - > /目标机器的数据1.b. export COVFILE = / data / test.cov

  3. Ran "test application" --> executed successfully
  4. 跑“测试应用程序” - >执行成功

  5. Copied back test.cov to host machine to see the coverage. ??? But No change in test.cov file ???
  6. 将test.cov复制回主机以查看覆盖范围。 ???但test.cov文件没有变化???

Can someone help what am I missing or what needs to be done additionally here to make it work for -

有人可以帮助我缺少什么或者需要做些什么才能使其工作 -

  1. Shared libraires
  2. Between two different systems (Compiling on one and running on second)
  3. 在两个不同的系统之间(在一个上编译,在第二个上运行)


1 个解决方案



It seems to me that you are doing the right steps, this is what should be necessary to generate the coverage report, according the the bullseye documentation - using shared libraries doesn't make much difference in the process.

在我看来,你正在做正确的步骤,这是生成覆盖率报告所必需的,根据靶心文档 - 使用共享库在过程中没有太大的区别。

There are some interesting things the documentation mentions which could be checked, for example:


The coverage file size does not increase due to run-time activity.


So maybe it seems the covfile is the same size, but it actually contains the coverage information? You can try viewing it with the CoverageBrowser program.



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