When you perform a left join in TSQL (MSSQL SERVER) is there any guarantee which row will return with your query if there are multiple rows on the right?

当您在TSQL(MSSQL SERVER)中执行左连接时,如果右侧有多行,是否可以保证哪些行将与您的查询一起返回?

I'm trying to use this to exploit an ordering on the right table.



Select ColA, ColB, ColC 
from T
Left Outer Join 
   (Select ColA, ColB, ColC 
   from T--CLARIFIED, this is a self join.
   Order by TopColumn Desc) AS OrderedT(ColA, ColB, ColC) 
   On T.ColA = OrderedT.ColA

I would expect to retrieve all the ColA's in Table, and all the first row in the set of ColA results for my left join based on my ordering.


Is there any guarantee made on this by the language or server?


3 个解决方案


I believe you need this...


select T.ColA, T.ColB, T.ColC 
from T
inner join
   (select ColA, max(TopColumn) MaxTopColumn
   from T
   group by ColA) OrderedTable
   on T.ColA = OrderedTable.ColA and T.TopColumn = OrderedTable.MaxTopColumn

Fairly common query for versioned tables, requires an inner join to a max query.


The table name "Table" doesn't help matters, I've renamed it T.



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