I have denormalized data:


| pk |   name   | type | animal |
|  1 | alex     | car  | cat    |
|  2 | alex     | bike | cat    |
|  3 | liza     | car  | dog    |
|  4 | danielle | bike | dog    |
|  5 | danielle | bus  | dog    |

I would like to have 3 dropdown boxes.


  1. name
  2. type
  3. animal

after the user chooses the option for the first, there should be a cascade effect for the other dropdowns.


example: if the user chooses danielle for the name, the only two options for type would be bike and bus and the only option for animal would be dog


How should I structure the SQL tables? Should I denormalize?


1 个解决方案



I'd say that your solution depends on how much data do you have in this table. If this table is relatively small, you could load it into memory, fill comboboxes by distinct values and then filter data by chosen field.


If it large, you maybe should denormalize your table as @astander says, fill comboboxes with data from reference tables and then when value changes, select filters from SQL like:


declare @name_id int -- input parameter, fill it with id of chosen name

-- filter for type combo
select distinct type_id from main_table where name_id = @name_id

-- filter for animal combo
select distinct animal_id from main_table where name_id = @name_id


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