I'm creating a system using SQL Server 2012 for database, but when this system is starting first time in a computer, I want the system create the database and tables for me no create this manual.

我正在为数据库创建一个使用SQL Server 2012的系统,但是当这个系统在计算机中首次启动时,我希望系统为我创建数据库和表,而不是创建本手册。

How to I create database with C#? And how to I set connect string? because normally I set database name in the connect string, but now, I need create database before


1 个解决方案



You can use SQL script, leave database name empty. Example code here :


static void Main(string[] args)
  using (var conn = new SqlConnection("data source=DBServer; uid=UserName; pwd=Password;"))
    using (var cmd = new SqlCommand())
      cmd.Connection = conn;
      cmd.CommandText = "Create Database NewDB;";
      cmd.CommandText = "Use NewDB;CREATE TABLE dbo.Table1 (ID int, Data nvarchar(128));";


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