Here is my scenario:


I have a single table with 2 columns. ID and Value. ID is int and value is real.

我有一个包含2列的单个表。 ID和价值。 ID是int,值是实数。

ID    Value
1     6.7
2     8.9
3     4.5
5     3.2
8     2.5
9     2.1
10    1.0
15    2.3
18    2.4
19    4.0
20    3.2

I would like to compose a SP that receives a grouping number (Group) and an operation (Op) and returns a new table in the following manner:


Group = 2, Op = Max

组= 2,Op = Max

IDstart   IDend    Value
1         2        8.9
3         5        4.5
8         9        2.5
10        15       2.3
18        19       4.0 
20        20       3.2

Group = 3, Op = Min

组= 3,Op = Min

IDstart   IDend    Value
1         3        4.5
5         9        2.1
10        18       1.0
19        20       3.2

Group defines how many rows to combine into a single row (in the new table) and operation defines what operation to do on the group of rows, the operations I need are maximum, minimum and average. The last group may contain less rows than all the rest of the groups. if the last group has a single value IDstart = IDEnd. ID is unique but may have 'gaps'.

组定义要合并到一行中的行数(在新表中),操作定义要对行组执行的操作,我需要的操作是最大,最小和平均。最后一组可能包含的行数少于其他所有组。如果最后一个组具有单个值IDstart = IDEnd。 ID是唯一的,但可能有“差距”。

I'm looking for the fastest way to do this, any help will be appreciated.


Using SQL Server 2008 R2

使用SQL Server 2008 R2



3 个解决方案



Reasoning goes like this


  • Using the ROW_NUMBER() function and some arithmetic allows you to create a dummy column placing each ID in a group of the size you specify.
  • 使用ROW_NUMBER()函数和一些算法可以创建一个虚拟列,将每个ID放在指定大小的组中。
  • the result of this statement can be grouped and the operator you specify can be applied using a CASE statement. Should you need additional operators, you would only have to expand this CASE statement.
  • 可以对此语句的结果进行分组,并使用CASE语句应用您指定的运算符。如果您需要其他运算符,则只需展开此CASE语句即可。




SET @Group = 3
SET @Op = 'MIN'

;WITH q(ID, Value) AS (
  SELECT 1,     6.7
  UNION ALL SELECT 2,     8.9
  UNION ALL SELECT 3,     4.5
  UNION ALL SELECT 5,     3.2
  UNION ALL SELECT 8,     2.5
  UNION ALL SELECT 9,     2.1
  UNION ALL SELECT 10,    1.0
  UNION ALL SELECT 15,    2.3
  UNION ALL SELECT 18,    2.4
  UNION ALL SELECT 19,    4.0
  UNION ALL SELECT 20,    3.2
        , [IDEnd] = MAX(ID)
        , [Value] = CASE  WHEN @Op = 'MAX' THEN MAX(Value)
                          WHEN @Op = 'MIN' THEN MIN(Value)
                          WHEN @Op = 'AVG' THEN AVG(Value)
FROM    (
          SELECT ID
                 , Value
                 , GroupRow = (ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY ID) - 1) / @Group
          FROM    q
        ) q          


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