I have the following table:


Table: UserName


Userid   User        UserUpdate
1        Dan           1/1/2005 
1        Dan           1/1/2007 
1        Dan           1/1/2009 
2        Pam           1/1/2005 
2        Pam           1/1/2006 
2        Pam           1/1/2008 
3        Sam           1/1/2008 
3        Sam           1/1/2009 

I need to extract the latest updated for all these users, basically here's what I'm looking for:


Userid   User        UserUpdate
1        Dan           1/1/2009 
2        Pam           1/1/2008 
3        Sam           1/1/2009 

I've tried doing a SELECT TOP or Max but get only the latest result, i.e. 1 result for the WHOLE table, which is not what I want.

我尝试过做一个SELECT TOP或Max但只得到最新的结果,即WHOLE表的1个结果,这不是我想要的。

3 个解决方案



SELECT Userid, User, Max(UserUpdate) AS MaxDate
FROM myTable
GROUP BY Userid, User


  1. PLSQL乱码解决方案
  2. 数据库不支持中文解决方案(mysql)
  3. Mysql替代解决方案Cassandra
  4. [置顶] Android屏幕适配解决方案
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  9. 【Android开发学习39】VideoView在GLSurfaceView之上显示的解决


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