I need to store sensitive data on Raspberry so that software running on Raspberry can use it, but nobody else cannot. I can set hard password, disable tty's and so on, but it's easy to remove SD card and examine in on a PC.


My first try is eCryptFS. It seems to be good, but there is a problem. How do I store passphrase and use it to mount encrypted fs? eCryptFS can read passphrase from file or take it as mount argument. Obviously, I cannot use file as it's stored insecurely. Also I can write a program which will feed a hard-coded (and obfuscated) passphrase to mount.ecryptfs either as cli parameter or from stdin. But in this case it's also possible to run this program and see whole command line with passphrase in a process list.

我的第一次尝试是eCryptFS。这似乎很好,但有一个问题。如何存储密码并使用它来挂载加密的fs? eCryptFS可以从文件中读取密码或将其作为mount参数。显然,我不能使用文件,因为它存储不安全。此外,我可以编写一个程序,它将硬编码(和混淆)密码短语作为cli参数或stdin从mount.ecryptfs提供。但在这种情况下,也可以运行此程序,并在进程列表中查看带有密码的整个命令行。

Now I'm considering hard-coding my passphrase in ecryptfs itself (or even read it from protected eeprom) so it will work only on my device. Or I can use another encryption systems, but all of them have to take a key form somewhere. So the only way do do this as I see is eeprom or hard-coding.


Are there better ways to store sensitive data securely on Raspberry's SD card?


2 个解决方案



You could use the RaspberryPi unique Serial Number.


You can retrieve it from /proc/cpuinfo

您可以从/ proc / cpuinfo中检索它

~# cat /proc/cpuinfo 
Hardware    : BCM2709
Revision    : a01041
Serial      : 00000000407xxxxx

Direct bash command:


~# ID=$(cat /proc/cpuinfo | grep ^Serial | cut -d":" -f2)
~# echo $ID

If you need to periodically change the encryption password, use the Rpi serial number as a decryption key for a static file that returns the ecryptfs encryption password. OpenSSL is your friend :D

如果需要定期更改加密密码,请使用Rpi序列号作为返回ecryptfs加密密码的静态文件的解密密钥。 OpenSSL是你的朋友:D

Hope it helps.



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