This question is to practicing Linux kernel hackers: Generally, it is best to test/play with linux kernel changes/hacks in a virtualized enviroment.


  1. What virtual environment do you use for testing your hacks?
  2. 您使用什么虚拟环境来测试黑客攻击?

  3. How do you make a minimalistic filesystem(with basic utils) to use with the environment. If you are using a readymade filesystem, what is that are you using?
  4. 如何使用简单的文件系统(使用基本工具)与环境一起使用。如果您使用的是现成的文件系统,那么您使用的是什么?

  5. Useful heuristics you do with your environment(like installing a new kernel, sharing files etc?
  6. 您对环境有用的启发式方法(如安装新内核,共享文件等?

Please provide a step by step procedure to setup the environment, if possible. A collection of this info doesnt seem available in web.



2 个解决方案



Different people use different set ups, I don't think there is one true answer.


I currently use VirtualBox as Hypervisor with a file system created with Buildroot.


Apart from other VMs (kvm, qemu, vmware etc.) you could also use User Mode Linux to much the same effect if your hacking is in the more "logical" layers of the kernel.



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