This is one of the class where i assign data to the item and it return one parameter back to the other class. How should i write it to return two parameter instead? For this case it return final price, how should i write it to return final price and subtotal as well?


public static String Final_Price = " ";
public static String subtotal = " ";
protected String doInBackground(String... arg0) {
Final_Price = co.price;
subtotal = co.subtotal;
return Final_Price;
protected void onPostExecute(String result){

   String search = Final_Price;

This is the receipt activity where there is a function to get the data i pass.


public void get_data (String c)
shippingfeeTextView.setText("Shipping fee: " + c);

4 个解决方案



If you want only two parameters, you can use Pair. Source:



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  5. 如何将动态参数传递给jquery函数
  6. 使用字符串参数调用AndroidJni静态方法。
  7. Java开发水吧点饮品系统(顶层父类对象做接口参数)
  8. java返回值是list的时候获取list的参数类型
  9. Java反射---getGenericSuperclass和ParameterizedType参数化类型


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