Does nokiax has advertising id concept?


Earlier i was using below code to fetch Advertising Id android device application but i am not sure how to do same in nokiax.

早些时候,我使用下面的代码来获取广告Id android设备应用程序,但我不知道如何在nokiax中做同样的事情。

Does nokiax has some other alternate for it.


info = AdvertisingIdClient.getAdvertisingIdInfo(context);
adId = info.getId();
optOut = info.isLimitAdTrackingEnabled();

1 个解决方案



There is no Nokia X specific advertising solution, thus no specific API for any Id generation also.

没有Nokia X特定的广告解决方案,因此也没有针对任何Id生成的特定API。

As the AdvertisingIdClient is part of Google Services API package, it is not supported by the Nokia X.

由于广告客户端是谷歌服务API包的一部分,所以它不受Nokia X的支持。

Basically you can use any advertising solution which does not rely on any Google service, or any other API which is not supplied with the APK (unless they are part of AOSP, or Nokia X platform of course).

基本上,您可以使用任何不依赖于谷歌服务的任何广告解决方案,或者任何其他没有提供APK的API(除非它们是AOSP的一部分,或者Nokia X平台)。


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