During installing android studio in centos the Unable to run mksdcard SDK tool. error occure. I try to find out the solution on net but unable to install

在centos安装android studio时,无法运行mksdcard SDK工具。错误发生血。我试图在网上找到解决方案,但无法安装。

yum install lib32z1 lib32ncurses5 lib32bz2-1.0 lib32stdc++6

and the error is no package available.Also i have updated the yum. So please if there is any solution for it.


3 个解决方案



The below commands helps for me on centos-7
For lib32stdc++6


sudo yum install libstdc++*

For lib32z1


sudo yum install zlib*

For 32 bit system compiling sudo yum install zlib.i686

对于32位系统编译sudo yum安装zlib.i686。

For lib32ncurses5


sudo yum install libncurses*


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