What I am reading about play services is that it uses an API key, which implies it must have Internet access to work. Is this true?


The application I am working on must work without Internet access.


2 个解决方案



There are many pieces to the Play Services SDK. Some require API keys (e.g., Maps V2). Some do not (e.g., the fused location API).

Play Services SDK有很多部分。一些需要API密钥(例如,Maps V2)。一些不(例如,融合位置API)。

The application I am working on must work without Internet access.


Then you are going to need to limit yourself to portions of the Play Services SDK that do not require an API key and do not have an intrinsic need for Internet access. I do not know if the fused location API needs Internet access to be useful.

然后,您将需要将自己限制在不需要API密钥且不具备Internet访问内在需求的Play Services SDK部分。我不知道融合位置API是否需要Internet访问才有用。


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