I have created a custom view that is used to build a form dynamically. A form configuration is fetched from a server and the custom view then renders a form (edittexts, checkboxes, etc...) based on what is specified in the configuration.


Now I'm trying to figure out how to test the custom view. The view itself extends LinearLayout and follows the MVP pattern so any logic that could be extracted to the Presenter layer has been and is covered under a unit test. Now my goal is to run a UI test to ensure that the view works properly and to find regressions. For example, the server might return a configuration that requires that two EditTexts have character limits of 5 characters. I want to be able to build a form, enter text into the two EditTexts and ensure that their input length has been limited to 5 characters.


So what's the proper way to do this?


Is there a way to test just the view itself using instrumentation testing or will the view always need to be in the layout of an activity or fragment in order to test it?


1 个解决方案



Is there a way to test just the view itself using instrumentation testing or will the view always need to be in the layout of an activity or fragment in order to test it?


You cannot test the view separately. During instrumentation test an apk is being built and installed on the device. As you can conclude, your apk cannot consist only of your custom view, it's a normal android application.


What you will end up is, that you'd perform actions (e.g. ViewActions.typeText("some text") in EditText with some id) and then perform validations (check, that the EditText with some id has some text as it's content).

你将最终得到的是,你在EditText中用一些id执行动作(例如ViewActions.typeText(“some text”))然后执行验证(检查带有一些id的EditText是否有一些文本作为其内容) 。

As long as you deal with custom view, it's possible that you'd have to create your custom ViewMatcher.



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