I am trying to deserialize an XML file to Java objects using simpleXML. Everything was working fine until I had to use an ElementMap. This is part of my XML file:


<piece composer="Me" date="Yesterday" title="Important work">
        <edition name="My Name" date="2015" description="A single page">
                <page fileName="page01.jpg" />
        <edition name="My Name again" date="2015" description="Another single page">
                <page fileName="page01.jpg" />
        <layer name="Annotations" color="#FF0000" description="Empty" id="anno" />
        <layer name="Information" color="#00FF00" description="Empty" id="info" />

The corresponding Java Class looks like this:


public class Piece {
    private String composer;
    private String title;
    private String date;

    private List<Edition> editions;

    @ElementMap(key = "id", attribute = true) // Relevant
    private Map<String, Layer> layers;        // Lines

    public static Piece loadFromAsset(Context context, String fileName) throws Exception {
        Serializer serial = new Persister();
        return serial.read(Piece.class, context.getResources().getAssets().open(fileName));

And finally the Layer Class:

最后是Layer Class:

public class Layer {
    private String id;
    private String name;
    private String description;
    private String color;

After loading the XML file the Map contains both keys, but they both point to null instead of actual Layer Objects.

加载XML文件后,Map包含两个键,但它们都指向null而不是实际的Layer Objects。

1 个解决方案



I am not SimpleFrawmerow user so I am not guarantee it will work but you should probably specify more attirbutes of ElementMap mappings:


@ElementMap(key = "id", attribute = true, keyType=String.class

If it does not help you have to handle list to map conversion yourself. The problem is that your xml holds actually a list of Layer elements instead of the map (there are no pairs of key /value elements).


You can add to your Piece class extra field to store that list and have the map field constructed using it:


class Piece {
   @ElementList //only for solution B, for a do not use this annotation
   List<Layer> layers;

    @Transient //importatnt as it does not go into xml directly
    private Map<String, Layer> layersMap;        

now there are two approaches:


A) use getters and setters for layers list, and inside the methods construct the list map content as needed:


   public void setLayers(Collection<Layer> layers) {
      layersMap = new HashMap<>();
      for (Layer l : layers) layersMap.put(l.getId(),l);

   public Collection<Layer> getLayers() {
      return layersMap.values();

B) use the serialization life cycle mechanism (Persist and Commit annotations). In one method called before the serialization you create the list content using the map in the other you populate the map using the list values. I personally prefer it to getters/setters as you can hide the 'layers' element.

B)使用序列化生命周期机制(Persist和Commit annotations)。在序列化之前调用的一个方法中,使用另一个中的映射创建列表内容,使用列表值填充映射。我个人更喜欢它,因为你可以隐藏'layers'元素。

class Piece {
public void prepareMap() {
    layersMap = new HashMap<>();
    for (Layer l : layers) layersMap.put(l.getId(),l);

public void prepareList() {
    layers = new ArrayList<>();

Finally you can use the Converter to control the process completely but I believe the above are easier and less verbose.



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