Basically I'm trying to make an application for tablets. There going to be a bunch of widgets added and removed by the user inside a table layout. It needs to be dynamic so that the widgets are sized differently based on the width and height of the table layout.


To do this, I'm trying to make a 3x3 grid in a tablelayout. As I'm sure you guessed, each square has 33% width and height of the tablelayout.


This is what I got:


DisplayMetrics metrics;
int totalScreenSizeH; 
int totalScreenSizeW;

TableLayout contentTable;
LinearLayout contentLayout;

public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {

    //Get the UI detail
    metrics  = new DisplayMetrics();
    totalScreenSizeH = metrics.heightPixels;
    totalScreenSizeW = metrics.widthPixels;


    int tableWidth =contentTable.getWidth();
    int tableHeight=contentTable.getHeight();

    int layoutWidth=contentLayout.getWidth();
    int layoutHeight=contentLayout.getHeight();

    Log.v("Table Width",""+tableWidth);
    Log.v("Table Height",""+tableHeight);

    Log.v("Layout Width",""+layoutWidth);
    Log.v("Layout Height",""+layoutHeight);

So just to explain this a bit better. The linearLayout contains the tablelayout which has 3 table rows. I figured that I would be able to get the width and height of these but for some reason, both are coming back as 0 in size. One I have the width and height dims, Im going to save that variable and the create the widgets based on those variables/3.

所以只是为了更好地解释这一点。 linearLayout包含tablelayout,它有3个表行。我想我能够得到这些的宽度和高度,但由于某种原因,两者都回来了0的大小。一个我有宽度和高度调暗,我将保存该变量,并根据这些变量/ 3创建小部件。

So 2 questions:


1: is this the right way to handle dynamically sized widgets. Or is this the wrong way to handle a problem like this?


2: Any ideas why those 2-4 variables are all coming back as 0?


2 个解决方案



I would advise against doing pixel-perfect designs on android, due to the vast amount of resolutions and densities you have to deal with.


My suggestion would be to look at android:layout_width/height="wrap_content" and android:layout_weight="INTEGER" that will help you make floating 3x3. You can also achieve this with a GridView

我的建议是看看android:layout_width / height =“wrap_content”和android:layout_weight =“INTEGER”,这将帮助你制作浮动3x3。您也可以使用GridView实现此目的


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