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How do I center text horizontally and vertical in a TextView in Android?


I have a RelativeLayout (before it was a LinerLayout), that occupies all the screen and I want to put in the center of this Layout, a TextView. I try to do it with gravity = "center" layout_gravity = "center" and a few more, but it doesn't work.

我有一个RelativeLayout(在它是一个LinerLayout之前),占据了所有的屏幕,我想放在这个布局的中心,一个TextView。我试着用gravity =“center”layout_gravity =“center”和其他几个来做,但它不起作用。

Anybody knows how to center the TextView in the middle of the screen?



Ok, I think I explained badly. I think the TextView is in the center, but what I want to center is the text in the TextView. Can I do this?


9 个解决方案



If your font size is big enough, it might look like it's not centered, because of the font padding.
Try using the already mentioned properties combined with android:includeFontPadding, something like this:




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