I'm trying to setup proguard for my Android project. My application project has very little code in it, but references a library project which has the vast majority of the code and any other external jars. That being said, I'm not sure how to setup proguard to take this into account. Right now my proguard config file is just the Android example from the ProGuard site. I've been searching around, but haven't found a lot or any documentation on using proguard with library projects, just jars. I'm new to proguard, so any push in the right direction would be great. Thanks.


2 个解决方案




As @BornToCode points out, a different answer (originally posted here) better explains how library projects are handled by Proguard. Additionally, this referenced question has more interest and more overall reputation than that linked in my original response. The quote:


Library projects by themselves don't run ProGuard, so they don't use any configuration.


Application projects obfuscate the entire code base, including any referenced libraries, so they need proper configuration for the application code and for the library code.


Old Answer (not wrong, just probably not the best approach)


The library projects is more of a convenient way of linking a project to its jar in Eclipse. When you build the project, the only component of the library project that is visible to your compiler is the jar file.


If you want to obfuscate that jar, check out this post:


How to obfuscate an Android library (.jar file) using Proguard in Eclipse



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