Although the similar questions had been asked here many times, this question occurred in environment different from others.


From Visual studio 2012 professional, when I accessed database by NetezzaSQL driver (through C# code), i got error:" Data source name not found and no default driver specified".

从Visual Studio 2012专业版,当我通过NetezzaSQL驱动程序访问数据库(通过C#代码)时,我收到错误:“未找到数据源名称且未指定默认驱动程序”。

My desktop is 64bit win7 and the connection string is



I found that we have NetezzaSQL driver for ODBC(64 bit) but we do not have ODBC (should be 32 bit) driver.


If I change the build property target platform as any CPU, I got the above error.


If I change the build property target platform as x64, I got error "remote endpoint was not reachable."


I can access the database from Aginity netezza workbench with the same above connection string without any problems from my desktop.

我可以使用相同的上述连接字符串从Aginity netezza workbench访问数据库,而我的桌面没有任何问题。

Any help would be appreciated.


1 个解决方案



I use a connection that is slightly different, making sure to include the System.Data.Odbc namespace and I can connect fine. VS2012

我使用稍微不同的连接,确保包含System.Data.Odbc命名空间,我可以很好地连接。 VS2012

"Driver=NetezzaSQL;; Port=5480; Database=dbname; Persist Security Info=true; UID=username; PWD=pword"


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