I have a number of different data sources that I need to query and have been able to do confine all my queries to very simple expressions with no more than 2 conditions. An example of typical complexity of my lamba Expressions is:


b => b.user == "joe" && b.domain == "bloggs.com"

On my non-SQL data sources I'm ok as I can convert them to object lists and use a LINQ query such as:


public override T Get(List<T> assets, Expression<Func<T, bool>> whereClause)
    return assets.Where(a => whereClause.Compile()(a)).FirstOrDefault();

My problem is when I need to query a relational database - I'm only really concerned with Postgresql and MySQL - I've been struggling a bit. I've got nHibernate to Linq "working" but have had some issues where it stalls and stops accessing the database or can't close connections, typical sort of things to expect from something in beta so I'm not complaining.

我的问题是当我需要查询关系数据库时 - 我只关心Postgresql和MySQL - 我一直在苦苦挣扎。我有nHibernate到Linq“工作”,但有一些问题,它停止和停止访问数据库或无法关闭连接,典型的事情期待从beta的东西,所以我不抱怨。

Because my queries are so simple and I am happy to build the SQL myself I'd like to know if there is a relatively painless way to turn my Expression's into SQL where clauses?

因为我的查询非常简单,我很乐意自己构建SQL,我想知道是否有一种相对无痛的方式将我的Expression转换为SQL where子句?

I've had a quick search around and found some samples and of course there are already some Linq-to-SQL engines so I know it can be done. The question is whether it's something I can whip up in a day or less of effort? That's what I'd estimate it would take me to find a compatible Linq-to-SQL library and load test it assuming it works out ok. I do have big performance considerations so raw SQL is preferrable for me instead of running through an ORM.


2 个解决方案


Writing a LINQ provider can be very difficult. I would suggest looking into these links:


Linq Provider for MySql, Postgres, Oracle (This is open-source)
Writing custom LINQ provider

Linq Provider for MySql,Postgres,Oracle(这是开源的)编写自定义LINQ提供程序


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