Apart from graphical features, online games should have a simple Relational Database structure. I am curious what database do online games like Farmville and MafiaWars use?


Is it practical to use SQL based databases for such programs with such frequent writes ?
If not, how could one store the relational dependence of users in these games?


EDIT: As pointed, they use NOSQL databases like Couchbase. NOSQL is fast with good cuncurrency (which is really needed here); but the sotrage size is much larger (due to key/value structure). 1. Does't it slow down the system (as we need to read large database files from the disk)? 2. We will be very limited as we do not have SQL's JOIN to connected different sets of data.

编辑:正如所指出的,他们使用像Couchbase这样的NOSQL数据库。 NOSQL速度快,具有良好的功能(这里真的需要);但是sotrage的规模要大得多(由于键/值结构)。 1.它是否会降低系统速度(因为我们需要从磁盘读取大型数据库文件)? 2.我们将非常有限,因为我们没有SQL连接来连接不同的数据集。

3 个解决方案



To Answer your edit:


You can decrease storage size by using a non key=>value storage like MongoDB. This does still have some overhead but less than trying to maintain a key=>value store.

您可以使用非密钥=>值存储(如MongoDB)来减小存储大小。这仍然有一些开销,但比尝试维护key => value存储更少。

It does not slow down the system terribly since quite a few NoSQL products are memory mapped which means that unlike SQL it doesn't go directly to disk but instead to a fsync queue that then writes to disk when it is convient to. For those NoSQL solutions which are not memory mapped they have extremely fast read/write speeds and it is normally a case of trade off between the two.


As for JOINs, it is a case of arranging your schema in such a manner that you can avoid huge joins. Small joins to join say, a user with his score record are fine but aggregated joins will be a problem and you will need to find other ways around this. There are numerous solutions provided by many user groups of various NoSQL products.



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