My page is quite simple. It shows a picture and has a comment section (which is a partial view). I only want the partial view to refresh whenever a new comment has been submitted. So I have this:


            @Ajax.ActionLink("Submit", "InsertComment", new
               Id = Model.userParticipation.Id,
               CurrentPosition = 0,
               CurrentComments = Model.currentComments,
               NewCommentText = "???"
           new AjaxOptions
                HttpMethod = "GET",
                InsertionMode = InsertionMode.Replace,
                UpdateTargetId = "CommentSection"

The only prolem I have is that I don't know how to pass the entered text in the NewComment TextBox to the NewCommentText variable (instead of the "???" string). Any help would be appreciated.


1 个解决方案



@Ajax.ActionLink is going to generate the markup for an anchor tag (with ajaxified behavior wired in). But since you want to submit a new comment to the server, you need an input field for user to enter the comment and potentially a form. If you want the ajaxified behavior for this form submission, you can use the Ajax.BeginForm helper method.

@Ajax。ActionLink将为锚标记生成标记(连接到ajaxified behavior)。但是由于您想要向服务器提交一个新的注释,所以您需要一个输入字段来让用户输入评论和潜在的表单。如果您想要这个表单提交的Ajax行为,您可以使用Ajax。BeginForm helper方法。

@using (Ajax.BeginForm("InsertComment", "Home", new
    Id = Model.userParticipation.Id,
    CurrentPosition = 0,
}, new AjaxOptions
    HttpMethod = "POST",
    InsertionMode = InsertionMode.Replace,
    UpdateTargetId = "CommentSection"
    <label>Enter comment</label>
    <input type="text" name="NewCommentText" />
    <input type="submit" />
<div id="CommentSection"></div>

This will generate the form tag with an input element with name attribute value set to "NewCommentText".


This should work assuming your InsertComment action method (inside HomeController) has a parameter with the same name as the input field, along with the other paramters like Id and CurrentPosition.


public ActionResult InsertComment(string NewCommentText,int Id,int currentPosition)
    // to do : Save and return some valid markup
    return Content("To do : Replace this with useful html markup");


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