I am trying to show more than one datepicker with different settings on one page using jQuery UI.

我试图使用jQuery UI在一个页面上显示不同设置的多个日期选择器。


// Additional settings
   numberOfMonths: 3

"//Additional settings" simply gets ignored and only the "//Datepicker" get applied despite setting the datepicker to show 3 months when it has the class .multi-calendars.

“//其他设置”只是被忽略,只有“// Datepicker”被应用,尽管将datepicker设置为显示3个月时它有类.multi-calendars。

After hours of digging onto this, I found one solution. Remove the class hasDatepicker from the UI library markerClassName: "hasDatepicker"


This fixed the problem, however, my month and year dropdown menus does not work anymore. When I click on the dropdown to pick a date or a year the whole datepicker just closes!


So I looked into a way to fix this but to no avail.


Is the UI datepicker really that limited? or its just me missing something?

UI datepicker真的有限吗?或者它只是我遗漏了什么?

Here is a live preview: http://loai.directory/test/test - its both inputs that has the label "Date picker".

这是一个实时预览:http://loai.directory/test/test - 它的两个输入都有“Date picker”标签。

1 个解决方案


You have to use the second selector first.


DatePicker doesn't allow you to apply it twice on the same element, so you have to put specific datepicker selector first then more general ones that applies datepicker on other dp elements:


// Additional settings
   numberOfMonths: 3



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