I have a page with a form that posts to salesforce.com's webto Lead service. I am trying to make an ajax version of this using jQuery.

我有一个页面,上面有一个表单,可以发布到salesforce.com的webto Lead服务。我正在尝试使用jQuery制作一个ajax版本。

Though the form in the page posts fine and I receive the data in my salesforce, Once I make an identical post structure to this form and then post with jQuery I get a 405.


Any help with this would be greatly appreciated.


Is there a difference between a posted form and a jquery post as far as what the receiving website can see?

在接收网站能看到的内容上,发布的表单和jquery post有什么区别吗?

2 个解决方案



The problem you're running into here is referred to as the same origin policy, which says that XmlHttpRequests must be to the same domain the script is running on. If you need to do this via AJAX, it will need to post to a script running on your domain, which would then make the call out to SalesForce.



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