Can anyone help with the following, it doesn't return any checked checkboxes.. Am i doing somethign wrong?


I have

$("input[type=checkbox][checked] .type-element").each(
    function(index) {
        alert('checked' + index);

here is part of my html ( i have a number of them all as type-container)


     <div id="type-1" class="type-container">
         <div class="type-description">
         <input id="11" class="type-element" type="checkbox"/>

1 个解决方案


Just do:


for checked checkboxes. Also you have an extraneous space in your expression before ".type-element". If you want to make sure the checked checkboxes have that class use:



not ":checked .type-element" (note the space).

不是“:checked .type-element”(注意空格)。

So the end result is:


  function(index) {
    alert('checked' + index);


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