We can send JSON to Struts2 actions by json interceptor. There is good sample at http://tech.learnerandtutor.com/send-json-object-to-struts-2-action-by-jquery-ajax/.

我们可以通过json拦截器将JSON发送到Struts2动作。 http://tech.learnerandtutor.com/send-json-object-to-struts-2-action-by-jquery-ajax/上有很好的样本。

The json interceptor requires that the requests content type be application/json or application/json-rpc this can be set when we directly use Ajax like:

json拦截器要求请求内容类型为application / json或application / json-rpc,这可以在我们直接使用Ajax时设置:

    url: "writeJSON.action",
    data: data1,
    dataType: 'json',
    contentType: 'application/json',

But we are using struts 2 jquery plugin tags (sj:a and sj:submit ...) which manage ajax calls for us.

但我们正在使用struts 2 jquery插件标签(sj:a和sj:submit ...)来管理我们的ajax调用。

Is there any way that we can set the contentType with these tags.


I did not find tag properties for this.


If it is not implemented is there any other way to set it.


1 个解决方案



You should set Content-type: application/json header to xhr object that is used by the $.ajax().

您应该将Content-type:application / json标头设置为$ .ajax()使用的xhr对象。

    url: "writeJSON.action",
    data: data1,
    dataType: 'json',
    contentType: 'application/json',

The plugin is using $.ajaxSubmit(), this kind of submission should be eliminated because it doesn't work with json data.

该插件使用$ .ajaxSubmit(),这种提交应该被删除,因为它不适用于json数据。


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