How to give sentence case to sentences through CSS or javascript?


I've tried these CSS properties but these are different


capitalize    Transforms the first character of each word to uppercase
uppercase   Transforms all characters to uppercase
lowercase   Transforms all characters to lowercase

Edit: 19 FEB 2010


is there any option in jquery to achieve this?


4 个解决方案



Don't use JavaScript to fix your content. This is inefficient on a scale of ridiculous. Write your content correctly before you publish it or use some coding scheme on the server side. If this is some scheme to fix content that you don't control, such as user supplied, then simply state the content comes from your users and not you.


Seriously, this is going to delay the loading of your page significantly and cause visitors to abandon your site.



  1. 使用AJAX和JSON来显示来自PHP的HTML内容。
  2. JQuery属性与样式――.val()和增加样式.addClass()
  3. 关于jQuery获取html标签自定义属性值或data值
  4. JQuery------获取中的文件内容
  5. jquery为属性过滤器动态添加值?
  6. 最简单jquery.ajax+php例子(对话框显示文本框输入内容),以小见大
  7. jsf中获取属性值的普通获取和jquery获取区别
  8. bootstrap-select js jQuery控制select属性变化
  9. Chrome显示错误为:由于内容安全策略,拒绝执行内联脚本


  1. Android: Android NDK Overview
  2. Android 内存泄漏场景分析
  3. Android android:persistentDrawingCache
  4. Android 短信发送器
  5. Android7.0中文文档(API)-- ShareActionPro
  6. AndroidStudio使用教程(第一弹)
  7. Cocos2d-x C++调用Android弹出提示框
  8. Android 麦克风录音动画
  9. json解析android客户端源码
  10. 不错的Android开发资料,收藏一下