I have some code that works fine in FF but not in IE. I have read other posts saying that the Jquery live method does not support change events but I am using a click event. Here is my code, it is inside $(document).ready(function():

我有一些代码在FF中工作正常,但在IE中没有。我读过其他帖子说Jquery live方法不支持更改事件,但我使用的是click事件。这是我的代码,它在$(document).ready(function()里面:

$("a").live("click", function(e) { 
        alert("link clicked");
        //do stuff

If FF the alert is fired but not in IE. When I use $("a").click it works fine, the problem is that I need to the function to be applied to links that do not exist when the page is first loaded (they will be created via ajax calls at a later stage).


Do I have any options here. We are using jquery-1.4.1.min.js.


Thanks in advance


2 个解决方案



if those links are within a specific content, you can use:


$('#link_container_id').delegate('a', 'click', function(e){
   alert('link clicked');

.delegate() will watch if there are any events (click in your case) bubbling up, if so it checks for the target and compares it to 'a' in your case. Should work, but untested.



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