The Google Timeline charts seem to suggest coloring individual blocks on the timeline per the documentation:


But there seems to be a problem when two bars "overlap" on the same line, as you can see in this fiddle:


Here is the key code:


[ 'red/green/blue', 'NAME OF BAR (should be RED) (ff0000)', new Date(1789, 3, 29), new Date(1797, 2, 3) ],
[ 'red/green/blue', 'NAME OF BAR (should be GREEN) (00ff00)', new Date(1796, 2, 3),  new Date(1801, 2, 3) ],
[ 'red/green/blue', 'NAME OF BAR (should be BLUE) (0000ff)',  new Date(1801, 2, 3),  new Date(1809, 2, 3) ]]);

var options = {
    colors: ['#ff0000', '#00ff00', '#0000ff'],

I tried playing with the accepted answer from this question by adding a 5th column (the color) to my data rows: Google Charts API: Add Blank Row to Timeline?

我试着通过在我的数据行中添加第5列(颜色)来使用此问题中接受的答案:Google Charts API:向时间轴添加空行?

Specifically, here is the function I thought I might be able to hijack to build my hack:


(function(){                                            //anonymous self calling function to prevent variable name conficts
    var el=container.getElementsByTagName("rect");      //get all the descendant rect element inside the container      
    var width=100000000;                                //set a large initial value to width
    var elToRem=[];                                     //element would be added to this array for removal
    for(var i=0;i<el.length;i++){                           //looping over all the rect element of container
        var cwidth=parseInt(el[i].getAttribute("width"));//getting the width of ith element
        if(cwidth<width){                               //if current element width is less than previous width then this is min. width and ith element should be removed
            width=cwidth;                               //setting the width with min width
        else if(cwidth==width){                         //if current element width is equal to previous width then more that one element would be removed
    for(var i=0;i<elToRem.length;i++)
        elToRem[i].setAttribute("fill","none"); //make invisible all the rect element which has minimum width

The hope was to grab each rect (skipping the bounding ones) and filling them (with a third loop, at the end) with their appropriate colors, but I couldn't figure out how to get their associated color (which was in the row objects) from the rect objects themselves.


2 个解决方案



I think you will need to use the additional options:


timeline: { groupByRowLabel: false }

Because, if you go to the g-page: in the Bars in One Row section they show how Presidents DON'T overlap, so you can't use it in this case, but for the method you are using it, timelines do overlap so they must be in their own row. It would probably be hard to read overlapping titles anyhow.

因为,如果你转到g-page: in Bars in One Row部分,它们会显示Presidents不会重叠,所以你不能在这种情况下使用它,但对于你使用它的方法,时间轴确实重叠,所以它们必须在它们自己的行中。无论如何,阅读重叠的标题可能很难。

Side note: I noticed what google is doing. It's assigning the colors left to right, then wrapping. The titles however, are not wrapping, they just go left to right. Here is a fiddle I made: to show how wrapping of colors working...added more colors.



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