I'm using jQuery to call an asmx and return some data. I'm making the call like this


function getRequestInfo(event) {
        var id = $('#<%= RequestDaysId.ClientID %>').val();
        var formattedId = "{'id': '115'}";
            type: "Post",
            url: "services/VacationServices.asmx/GetVacationInfo",
            data: "{'id': '" + id + "'}",
            dataType: "json",
            contentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8",
            processdata: true,
            success: function(data) {
                $('#<%=Note.ClientID %>').val(data.Note);
            error: function(result, errortype, exceptionobject) {

Everything seems to be working fine, I set a break point in my success function and inspect the data object and see this.


"{"Note":"this is a note","dayInfo":[{"ShortDate":"3/4/2010","DayType":"Vacation","HalfDay":""},{"ShortDate":"3/5/2010","DayType":"Vacation","HalfDay":""}]}"

The problem comes when I try to get the values out of the JSON. If I do something like data.Note, I get undefined back.


It's late, It's Saturday and I've been at it all day, I sure would like a push in the right direction when it comes to parsing though my JSON.


EDIT: I'm using Asp.net and JavaScriptSerializer.Serialize() to create the JSON. When I set a break point and inspect the 'data' object it looks to have a property d that contains the string that should be JSON.


ANOTHER EDIT: If I do something like this in my success


$('#<%=Note.ClientID %>').val(data.d.[0]);

I get the { opening curly brace. I guess i'm getting a string instead of JSON, but it seems to go against what the jquery api states about the return value when the datatype is set to JSON.

我得到{开口大括号。我想我得到的是一个字符串而不是JSON,但是当数据类型设置为JSON时,它似乎违背了jquery api关于返回值的内容。

Thanks guys. Jim


4 个解决方案



First make sure that the JSON string exists in the "d" variable in the response returned in the success callback. Next, in order to get the JSON object you will need to convert the string into the JSON. You can use the eval function or the JQuery built in function to convert string to JSON. I like the jquery-json plug in to convert string into JSON representation.


Your code will look something like this:


var jsonObject = eval('(' + data.d + ')'); 

Now, you can use jsonObject.Note or any other property.


With jquery-json plugin you can do the following:


var note = $.evalJSON(data.d).Note;


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