I am successfully using a bootstrap popover on a link click. I have some form elements inside the popover: a textfield, checkbox and a button. I'm able to attach a button listener using jquery.live(), but inside that button listener I don't seem to have any access to the correct form elements. They exist if I trace them out in a console log, but their values always remain the original defaults, so if I go $('#txtComment').val(); the string is always the same, regardless of what I put into the field.

我在链接点击上成功使用了bootstrap popover。我在popover中有一些表单元素:textfield,checkbox和button。我可以使用jquery.live()附加一个按钮监听器,但在该按钮监听器中,我似乎没有任何访问正确的表单元素的权限。如果我在控制台日志中跟踪它们,它们就存在,但它们的值始终保持原始默认值,所以如果我去$('#txtComment')。val();无论我放入字段中,字符串总是相同的。

Are there any examples, tutorials or source code I could look at of something that is using any kind of interactivity inside a bootstrap popover?


this is how I'm setting up the popover:


  trigger: 'manual',
  placement: 'right',
  html : true,
  content: function () {
    return $('#commentPopout').html();

//jquery.on won't work here so we use live
$('#btnSubmitComment').live('click', this.proxy(this.commentSubmitClick));

then I'm doing this to successfully show it:



and this is the button click function:


commentSubmitClick: function(e){
  console.log($('#txtComment').val());//always shows default text regardless of what I've actually typed in the field

4 个解决方案



The syntax changed. The answer of Kalin C Ringkvist needs to be slightly modified:

语法改变了。 Kalin C Ringkvist的答案需要稍加修改:

var popover = this.commentLink.data('popover').tip();

Note the method tip() instead of $tip.

注意方法tip()而不是$ tip。


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