I'm hoping someone on this site can offer some help. I have a page that uses ajax to load a form (id: "editform") into a jQuery-ui dialog box. The dialog box has a button attached - when someone changes the form and clicks this button it triggers a function which serialize()s the form data and sends it via $.post to replace a div on the page with the results. This works fine in every browser I've tested on except...wait for it...IE (all versions). The problem seems to be that IE is not recognizing the call to serialize this form.



gives me "" in IE, but the desired long querystring in other browsers. I've also tried to grab the data one piece at a time,



Again - IE does not recognize this field, returning "" while the other browsers output the data I'm looking for.


Any ideas?




2 个解决方案



Okay - I found it. Thanks, Brandon H. for pointing me to the HTML - I hadn't closed the form () in the generated HTML, which was apparently tripping up IE. I got it up and running now.

我找到了。谢谢Brandon h给我指出HTML——我并没有关闭生成的HTML中的form(),这显然是在破坏IE。我已经准备好了,现在就跑。

Thanks all for your time.



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