I have a JQuery dialog that I use to show a message to the user. The dialog have 2 buttons: "Ok" and "Details". The idea is to show a user friendly message when the dialog opens and when the user clicks the "Details" button I want to show the user friendly message plus a more detailed message under the user friendly message. The "Details" button uses the toggle function to show/hide the detailed message.

我有一个JQuery对话框,用于向用户显示消息。该对话框有2个按钮:“Ok”和“Details”。这个想法是在对话框打开时显示用户友好的消息,当用户点击“详细信息”按钮时,我希望在用户友好消息下显示用户友好消息和更详细的消息。 “详细信息”按钮使用切换功能显示/隐藏详细消息。

The dialog is defined like this:


function showNewDocumentDialog(dialogTitle, dialogMessage, dialogDetailMessage) {
            var dialog$ = $('#dialogId');
            var dialogDetail$ = $('#dialogDetailId')
            var showDetailContent = false;            

                autoOpen: false,
                title: dialogTitle,
                modal: true,
                width: 'auto',
                height: 'auto',
                zIndex: 39000,
                open: function (type, data) {

                buttons: [
                                    text: "Ok",
                                    click: function () { $(this).dialog("close"); }
                                    text: "Details",
                                    click: function () {
                                        showDetailContent = !showDetailContent;

            if (dialogDetailMessage == '') {
                $(":button:contains('Details)").attr("disabled", "disabled").addClass('ui-state-disabled');
    <div id="dialogId" title="Title" style="display: none">        
        <p id="dialogContentId">Content</p>
        <div id="dialogDetailId" style="display: none">
            <p id="dialogDetailContentId">DetailContent</p>        

How can I resize the dialog to fit both the user friendly message and the detailed message when the user clicks on the "Details" button? And shrink the dialog size again when the user clicks on the "Details" button to hide the detailed message?


1 个解决方案



try to resize the overlay on details button click as follows by getting the width of the div which is made dailog


var width = $("selector").width();
var height = $("selector").height();

    if (width > 450) {
        $(".ui-widget-content").css("width", width);

 if (height > 450) {
        $(".ui-widget-content").css("height", height);


    $("#dvNotesPopup").dialog('option', 'position', 'center'); 


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