We've noticed that IE7 has an odd behavor with code blocks posted on Stack Overflow. For example, this little code block:

我们注意到IE7有一个奇怪的行为,在Stack Overflow上发布了代码块。例如,这个小代码块:

public PageSizer(string href, int index)
    HRef = href;
    PageIndex = index;

Copy and pasted from IE7, ends up like this:


public PageSizer(string href, int index){    HRef = href;    PageIndex = index;    }

Not exactly what we had in mind.. the underlying HTML source actually looks fine; if you View Source, you'll see this:


<pre><code>public PageSizer(string href, int index)
    HRef = href;
    PageIndex = index;

So what are we doing wrong? Why can't IE7 copy and paste this HTML in a rational way?


Update: this specifically has to do with <pre> <code> blocks that are being modified at runtime via JavaScript. The native HTML does render and copy correctly; it's the JavaScript modified version of that HTML which doesn't behave as expected. Note that copying and pasting into WordPad or Word works because IE is putting different content in the rich text clipboard compared to the plain text clipboard that Notepad gets its data from.



7 个解决方案



It seems that this is a known bug for IE6 and prettify.js has a workaround for it. Specifically it replaces the BR tags with '\r\n'.

似乎这是IE6的已知错误,而prettify.js有一个解决方法。具体来说,它用'\ r \ n'替换BR标签。

By modifying the check to allow for IE6 or 7 then the cut-and-paste will work correctly from IE7, but it will render with a newline followed by a space. By checking for IE7 and providing just a '\r' instead of a '\r\n' it will continue to cut-and-paste and render correctly.

通过修改检查以允许IE6或7,然后剪切和粘贴将从IE7正常工作,但它将使用换行符后跟空格进行渲染。通过检查IE7并仅提供'\ r'而不是'\ r \ n',它将继续进行剪切和粘贴并正确渲染。

Add this code to prettify.js:


function _pr_isIE7() {
  var isIE7 = navigator && navigator.userAgent &&
       /\bMSIE 7\./.test(navigator.userAgent);
  _pr_isIE7 = function () { return isIE7; };
  return isIE7;

and then modify the prettyPrint function as follows:


   function prettyPrint(opt_whenDone) {
     var isIE6 = _pr_isIE6();
+    var isIE7 = _pr_isIE7();



-        if (isIE6 && cs.tagName === 'PRE') {
+        if ((isIE6 || isIE7) && cs.tagName === 'PRE') {
          var lineBreaks = cs.getElementsByTagName('br');
+         var newline;
+         if (isIE6) {
+           newline = '\r\n';
+         } else {
+           newline = '\r';
+         }
          for (var j = lineBreaks.length; --j >= 0;) {
            var lineBreak = lineBreaks[j];
-               document.createTextNode('\r\n'), lineBreak);
+               document.createTextNode(newline), lineBreak);

You can see a working example here.


Note: I haven't tested the original workaround in IE6, so I'm guessing it renders without the space caused by the '\n' that is seen in IE7, otherwise the fix is simpler.

注意:我没有在IE6中测试过原来的解决方法,所以我猜它没有IE7中出现的'\ n'引起的空间渲染,否则修复更简单。


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