I have a user guide for my application that I would like to provide both an HTML verson and a PDF version (and possible some other indexed version for a Java help). Are there any tools, preferably for maven that I could integrate into my build cycle that will convert from HTML to PDF? Currently I have a word doc format that I manually convert to PDF (and no HTML version available), which is prone to errors and really just a pain.


2 个解决方案



You might use a tool like DocBook and write the documentation in a scripting language (XML in their case). Then use the tool to transform the source to the target formats, e.g. HTML and PDF.



  1. 在IE(所有版本)中打破JQuery自动完成组合框线项目这将采取一个look
  2. 解决IE9以下版本浏览器不支持HTML5标签的问题
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  9. centos7 升级php版本


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