How do I make a parent/container DIV grow as more children DIV's are added.


<div id="container">
     <div id="child" style="height:100px;">
     <div id="child2" style="height:100px;">

4 个解决方案



The only reason why your parent div would not grow with its content is if it's content is absolute positioned or is using floats, in the former case there is nothing you can do short of resizing it with javascript, in the latter you can put the following code at the end of your floating elements:


<br style="clear: both">

So say both the child elements in your example have a float, the code would look like this


<div id="container">
     <div id="child" style="height:100px;">
           ** CONTENT GOES HERE **
           <br style="clear: both">
     <div id="child2" style="height:100px;">
           ** CONTENT GOES HERE **
           <br style="clear: both">

You can use any node, as long as you use "clear: both" on it (So <div style="clear: both"></div> would work too).




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