I'm trying to understand why this nth-of-type selector isn't working as expected. My goal is to make the first .row element red, and all others after the first blue, while leaving the items in green as they are.




.wrapper div {
  width: 200px;
  background-color: green;
  color: white;
  margin: 5px;
  padding: 5px;
.wrapper .row:nth-of-type(n+1) {
  background-color: red;
.wrapper .row:nth-of-type(n+2) {
  background-color: blue;
<div class="wrapper">
  <div class="option">option</div>
  <div class="button">some button</div>
  <div class="row">I wanna be red</div>
  <div class="row">I wanna be blue</div>
  <div class="row">I wanna be blue</div>
  <!-- all other row elements after the first should be blue -->


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