I am fairly new to Django and would like to know how Django is different from html?


1 个解决方案



HTML is a language used to make Web pages.


When you "go online", you in fact use a software called a Web browser, downloading a code. This code is then used to display the Web pages : the color, the text, the images and so on.


HTML is a part of this code. It's the code saying "this information is a title, this information is a paragraph, this is an image", etc.


Django is a tool to generate Web pages


It can do more than that, but's that the basics of it. Writting HTML code by hand is very tedious, not very efficient, and limited : you can't make pages that adapts to the person who asks for it such as a user page or a search page.


Django is a tool that can understand what a user is asking, and create the HTML code in a fraction of a second, then send it back. When you see a Website such as Google or Amazon, they are using such a tool to display what you search for (although they don't use Django, there are many similar tools to do so).


If you want to learn to make Web sites with Django, you probably want to learn things in that order :


  1. HTML : you can make static web sites with it
  2. HTML:您可以使用它制作静态网站

  3. CSS : you make you web site prettier with advanced layouts
  4. CSS:使用高级布局让您的网站更漂亮

  5. Python (the language used in Django) : you can automate things with it
  6. Python(Django中使用的语言):您可以使用它自动化

  7. Django : you can automatically create web pages with it
  8. Django:您可以使用它自动创建网页

  9. Javascript : make your web pages more interactive
  10. Javascript:让您的网页更具互动性

It's a pretty long process, so be sure that's what you need. If you just want a blog or an e-commerce web site, there are plenty already made solutions that exist and don't require to know programming.



  1. 用HTML5为你的网页添加音效(兼容Firefox 3.5+, IE 6-9, Safari 3.
  2. 网页中时光轴的简单实现
  3. 光标无法定位到网页输入框
  4. 将PHP代码添加到.html文件
  5. Linux 抓取网页方式(curl+wget)
  6. 如何让你的前端代码更像HTML5(用语义元素构造html5)
  7. HTML5批量拖拽图片到网页
  8. 如何在CSS中单独定位此HTML代码?
  9. QQ、MSN、淘包旺旺、Skype常设对话的html链接代码


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  6. Android 入门前言之 --布局
  7. android selector 背景选择器的使用, butt
  8. Android Studio系列(四)Version Control II
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  10. android 去掉顶部状态栏