I'm wondering on how I can center the bootstrap 3's navbar menu items. I know they have included a .nav-justified class but that will just conflict with navbar-nav if used together. I belive it is being looked into by the dev team.

我想知道如何将bootstrap 3的导航栏菜单项置于中心位置。我知道他们已经包含了一个.nav-justified类,但如果一起使用,它将与navbar-nav冲突。我相信开发团队正在调查它。

So is there any work around with CSS that I can achieve a navbar that will keep the navbar menu items/links justified even when the container it is in is re-sized.


Here's a Jsfiddle for you if you need it.


2 个解决方案



The .nav-justifed class is to be used with nav-tabs / nav-pills (see bootstrap docs) and not nav-bar. The two concepts are very different and should not be confused.

.nav-justifed类将与nav-tabs / nav-pills一起使用(参见bootstrap docs)而不是nav-bar。这两个概念非常不同,不应混淆。

However, you can achieve the effect you are looking for by adding the following css:


.navbar-nav.nav-justified > li{

nav-justifiednow plays nice with navbar-nav:


<ul class="nav navbar-nav nav-justified">

See updated jsFiddle.



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