I have determined that my plugin code works perfectly fine in other themes, but in the theme: Magazinly, the sidebar plugin I wrote, causes the sidebar not to display. Through debugging, I've determined that the sidebars register, and two sidebar arrays are created, but one is not populated.


Here is the plugin code:


        'name'=>'Bottom Widget Area',
        'id'=> 'bottom-widget',
        'before_widget' => '<aside class="widget %2$s">',
        'after_widget' => '</aside>',
        'before_title' => '<div class="block-title"><span>',
        'after_title' => '</span></div>'

include 'add_bottom_bar.php';

This is add_bottom_bar.php:


    // Register Bottom_Bar
function add_bottom_widget(){

    echo '<div class=\'bottombar\'>';
    if (!function_exists('dynamic_sidebar') || !dynamic_sidebar('bottom-widget')) : 
    echo '</div>'; 

 add_action ('get_footer', 'add_bottom_widget');

// Register style sheet.
add_action( 'wp_enqueue_scripts', 'register_plugin_styles' );

// Register style sheet.
function register_plugin_styles() {
    wp_register_style( 'custom_widget_final', plugins_url( 'custom_widget_final/css/bottom_bar.css' ) );
    wp_enqueue_style( 'custom_widget_final' );

And here is the code for the sidebar in Magazinly:



There's also this code that appears to use whatever this thing the theme creator called 'dinamic sidebar' to... well... I would imagine... render dynamic sidebars :

还有这个代码似乎使用了主题创建者称之为“dinamic sidebar”的东西......好吧......我会想象......渲染动态侧边栏:


But, my guess is that this is the culprit: The Magazinly theme uses this sidebar loader, but it seems like serious overkill. I am guessing that the sidebar widget I'm registering, is disrupting this sidebar loader.



With all code presented, my next question is: what are my options? I need to add widget positions to three sites, all using the same theme, but preserve the sidebar. Presently, if I activate my plugin, the sidebar won't load, but the plugin works. If I deactivate the plugin, the sidebar returns. Both are important, but I cannot modify the theme, and creating a child theme seems excessive. I'd prefer to debug this theme, and use widgets.


Here's what I have tried/tested:


  1. Tested this plugin on four other WP sites. No issues. Sidebars render fine. Plugin works like a charm.


  2. On problem site: wp_debug, set to true... throws no errors, but gives a warning for each of the theme's native sidebars (no id set, which is a pre 4.1 thing). To my knowledge, it does not affect anything.

    在问题站点:wp_debug,设置为true ...不会抛出任何错误,但会为每个主题的本机侧边栏发出警告(没有id设置,这是4.1之前的事情)。据我所知,它不会影响任何事情。

  3. I removed the include at the bottom, just to narrow down where the problem could be in my code. I determined that even when the css enqueue is disabled, or even if add_bottom_bar.php is not included, the theme's native sidebars still break. This makes it abundantly, totally clear to me that there is a register_sidebar conflict.

    我删除了底部的include,只是为了缩小问题在我的代码中的位置。我确定即使禁用了css enqueue,或者即使没有包含add_bottom_bar.php,主题的原生侧边栏仍然会中断。这使得我充分清楚地知道存在register_sidebar冲突。

  4. I've looked at the source when the plugin is activated, and when it is deactivated. I find after diffing the source, when the plugin is activated, the sidebars do not show in the source, so it is not a css/js thing, as far as I can tell.

    我在插件激活时以及停用时查看了源代码。我找到差异源后,当插件被激活时,侧边栏没有显示在源代码中,所以它不是css / js的东西,据我所知。

What, if any workaround might there be for this? A widget would greatly improve workflow, but I'm beginning to consider that letting go of the sidebar/widget situation might be smarter.


Any hints, tips, or insight? I know my question is a bit general, but I've hit a brick wall, here, in trying to stay hands-off with this theme code.


Any help would be much appreciated! Thanks!


1 个解决方案


Ok. Figured it out.


add_action( 'widgets_init', 'bottom-widget' );

Needed to initialize the widget right after registering the sidebar.



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