Trying to learn something new - specifically trying to choose wether to use MySQLi or PDO for future projects when working with MySQL - I stumbled upon this page which shows an overview of options available to me.


At the bottom of this page is a table comparing functionality of the three main methods of communicating with mysql. In the row "API supports client-side Prepared Statements", it says that PDO supports this and MySQLi doesn't.


I know what prepared statements are. The answer to this question is a simple example of what I believe is server-side prepared statements. And PHP is a server-side language, which in turn should mean that it doesn't matter if client-side prepared statements are available or not. But that makes me wonder why that is even listed in the PHP manual then.


So what are client-side prepared statements?


3 个解决方案



Obviously, client-side prepared statements are statements that are prepared by the client, rather than the server.


PDO is a data-access abstraction layer that supports multiple DBMS interfaces (drivers), some of which support server-side prepared statements (e.g.: MySQL 4.1+), some of which don't (e.g.: MySQL 3).

PDO是一个数据访问抽象层,它支持多个DBMS接口(驱动程序),有些支持服务器端准备语句(例如:MySQL 4.1+),有些则不支持(例如:MySQL 3)。

In the event where the PDO driver does not support server-side prepared statements, PDO will emulate them on the client-side and use the generic query interface to execute them.


The reason why MySQLi doesn't support them is simple: MySQLi is a MySQL-specific extension, a RDBMS that indeed supports server-side prepared statements, so there is no reason to emulate them.



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